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st: RE: dlist command

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: dlist command
Date   Sun, 30 Jul 2006 19:33:46 +0100

This refers to a program of mine called -dlist- available 
from SSC. 

It appears that during my absence from base, mainly at the 
Boston users' meeting, no one else has
had a go at this or suggested alternative solutions. 

I have two basic comments: 

1. Even with duplicates in the narrowest sense (observations 
occur in pairs), there will not always be enough real estate 
on your monitor to show observations side-by-side. For the 
general case this will be even more difficult, not to say 

2. More positively, if observations are identical (other than 
their current position in the data) then there would seem 
no benefit or need from repeating that information. So, 
-dlist- can be modified to -duplist-: 

. sysuse auto, clear 
. duplist for rep78

40 48
foreign   Car type              Domestic
rep78     Repair Record 1978    1

12 17 18 21 22 23 46 52
foreign   Car type              Domestic
rep78     Repair Record 1978    2

1 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 19 25 26 27 28 31 32 34 36 37 39 41 42 44 49 50
foreign   Car type              Domestic
rep78     Repair Record 1978    3

5 15 24 29 30 33 35 38 47
foreign   Car type              Domestic
rep78     Repair Record 1978    4

20 43
foreign   Car type              Domestic
rep78     Repair Record 1978    5

54 60 65
foreign   Car type              Foreign
rep78     Repair Record 1978    3

55 56 58 59 62 63 70 72 73
foreign   Car type              Foreign
rep78     Repair Record 1978    4

53 57 61 66 67 68 69 71 74
foreign   Car type              Foreign
rep78     Repair Record 1978    5

You may or may not prefer the results of the official 

. duplicates list foreign rep78

Duplicates in terms of foreign rep78

  | group:   obs:    foreign   rep78 |
  |      1     40   Domestic       1 |
  |      1     48   Domestic       1 |
  |      2     12   Domestic       2 |
  |      2     17   Domestic       2 |
  |      2     18   Domestic       2 |
  |      2     21   Domestic       2 |
  |      2     22   Domestic       2 |
  |      2     23   Domestic       2 |
  |      2     46   Domestic       2 |
  |      2     52   Domestic       2 |
  |      3      1   Domestic       3 |
  |      3      2   Domestic       3 |
  |      3      4   Domestic       3 |
  |      3      6   Domestic       3 |
  |      3      8   Domestic       3 |
  |      3      9   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     10   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     11   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     13   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     14   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     16   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     19   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     25   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     26   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     27   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     28   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     31   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     32   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     34   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     36   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     37   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     39   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     41   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     42   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     44   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     49   Domestic       3 |
  |      3     50   Domestic       3 |
  |      4      5   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     15   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     24   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     29   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     30   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     33   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     35   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     38   Domestic       4 |
  |      4     47   Domestic       4 |
  |      5     20   Domestic       5 |
  |      5     43   Domestic       5 |
  |      6      3   Domestic       . |
  |      6      7   Domestic       . |
  |      6     45   Domestic       . |
  |      6     51   Domestic       . |
  |      7     54    Foreign       3 |
  |      7     60    Foreign       3 |
  |      7     65    Foreign       3 |
  |      8     55    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     56    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     58    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     59    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     62    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     63    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     70    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     72    Foreign       4 |
  |      8     73    Foreign       4 |
  |      9     53    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     57    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     61    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     66    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     67    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     68    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     69    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     71    Foreign       5 |
  |      9     74    Foreign       5 |

The code for -duplist- is set as an exercise, or, 
alternatively, given below my signature. 

[email protected] 

*! 1.0.0 NJC 30 July 2006
program duplist, byable(recall) 
	version 8.2  
	syntax [varlist] [if] [in] ///
	[, noLabel Name(int 32) Varlabel(int 80) Spaces(int 3) noTRim ]
	marksample touse, novarlist 
	qui count if `touse' 
	if r(N) == 0 error 2000 

	// variable name width and variable label width 
	local nam = 0 
	local var = 0 
	foreach v of local varlist { 
		local nam = max(`nam', length("`v'")) 
		local var = max(`var', length(trim(`"`: variable label `v''"')))

	local nam = min(`name', `nam') 
	local var = min(`varlabel', `var') 
	// spaces is number of spaces between columns 
	local col2 = cond(`nam' == 0, 1, `nam' + `spaces' + 1) 
	local col3 = `col2' + cond(`var' == 0, 0, `var' + `spaces' + 1) 
	tempvar which group 
	gen long `which' = _n 
	qui egen `group' = group(`varlist') if `touse' 
	su `group', meanonly
	local max = r(max) 

	forval i = 1/`max' {
		qui levels `which' if `group' == `i', local(levels) 
		di _n as txt "{p}`levels'{p_end}" 
		local l : word 1 of `levels' 

		foreach v of local varlist { 
			if "`label'" != "" | "`: value label `v''" == "" {
				capture confirm numeric variable `v' 
				if _rc == 0 { 
					local show : di `: format `v'' `= `v'[`l']' 
					local show = trim(`"`show'"') 
				else { 
					local show : di `: format `v'' `"`= `v'[`l']'"' 
					if "`trim'" == "" local show = trim(`"`show'"') 
			else { 
				local show `"`: label (`v') `=`v'[`l']''"'
			di as txt cond(`nam' > 0, abbrev("`v'", `nam'), "") ///
			"{col `col2'}" as txt ///
	cond(`var' > 0, abbrev(trim(`"`: var label `v''"'), `var'), "") ///
			"{col `col3'}" as res "`show'"   

Holly Wright 21 July 2006 

> I have modified dlist.ado so that I can use it to do a side by side
> comparison of some duplicates in my data.  The only hitich is 
> that I can't
> figure out how to format the second record so it lines up nicely.
> Nick, would you be so kind?
> *! 1.3.0 NJC 8 Feb 2006
> * 1.2.0 NJC 7 Feb 2006
> * 1.1.0 NJC 7 Feb 2006
> * 1.0.0 NJC 7 Feb 2006
> program dlist2, byable(recall)
>  	version 8.2
>  	syntax [varlist] [if] [in] ///
>  	[, noLabel Name(int 32) Varlabel(int 80) Spaces(int 3) ]
>  	marksample touse, novarlist
>  	qui count if `touse'
>  	if r(N) == 0 error 2000
>  	// variable name width and variable label width
>  	local nam = 0
>  	local var = 0
>  	foreach v of local varlist {
>  		local nam = max(`nam', length("`v'"))
>  		local var = max(`var', length(trim(`"`: 
> variable label `v''"')))
>  	}
>  	local nam = min(`name', `nam')
>  	local var = min(`varlabel', `var')
>  	// spaces is number of spaces between columns
>  	local col2 = cond(`nam' == 0, 1, `nam' + `spaces' + 1)
>  	local col3 = `col2' + cond(`var' == 0, 0, `var' + `spaces' + 1)
>  	tempvar which
>  	gen long `which' = _n
>  	qui levels `which' if `touse', local(levels)
>  	foreach l of local levels {
>            if mod(`l',2)==1 {
>  		di _n as txt "`l'."
>  		foreach v of local varlist {
>  			if "`label'" != "" | "`: value label 
> `v''" == "" {
>  				local show : di `: format `v'' 
> `v'[`l'] _skip(20)  `: format `v''
> `v'[`l'+1]
>  				capture confirm numeric variable `v'
>  				if _rc == 0 local show = 
> trim(`"`show'"')
>  			}
>  			else {
>  				local show `"`: label (`v') 
> `=`v'[`l']'  `v'[`l'+1]'"'
>  			}
>  			di as txt cond(`nam' > 0, abbrev("`v'", 
> `nam'), "") ///
>  			"{col `col2'}" as txt ///
>  	cond(`var' > 0, abbrev(trim(`"`: var label `v''"'), 
> `var'), "") ///
>  			"{col `col3'}" as res "`show'"
>  		}
>  		}
>  	}
> end

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