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st: Princeton seeks technical staff
Alexis Furuichi wrote:
Princeton University: Data Services Specialist position announcement
The Princeton University Library comprises a large central library and 15
specialized libraries that are heavily used by an academic community that
includes 6,400 students and 1,100 faculty members. To support the diverse
needs of its users, the Library holds some six million printed volumes,
ranging from incunabula to current imprints, and provides access to many
other records of human knowledge, such as ancient papyri and cylinder seals,
nineteenth-century literary manuscripts, and recently produced electronic
databases and journals. The Library employs more than 300 professional and
support personnel, complemented by a large student and hourly workforce.
Please consult the Library web site at library.princeton.edu for more
Available: Immediately
Description: Provides statistical and software consulting services for
undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty engaged in quantitative
analysis of machine-readable data in a variety of academic disciplines,
particularly economics, finance, sociology, and politics. Assists in the
choice, application, and interpretation of quantitative methods, and with
the use of statistical software needed to implement these methods.
complex data from a variety of physical sources, including CD-ROMS and
Internet archives; transfers data between platforms for use in multiple
computing environments, including UNIX and Windows; provides extracts/tables
based on electronic data, including government census/survey data and public
opinion polls. Engages in individual consultation and group instruction.
web presence, including a data file's catalog and clients' database.
and designs web-based access tools and end user systems. Maintains
efficient operation of the Data and Statistical Services Lab and Princeton's
digital data archive. Processes data and creates metadata for files in the
data archive.
For more detail on Data and Statistical Services, consult dss.princeton.edu
Required: Master's degree in a relevant field and expertise with at least
one major statistical package, e.g., Stata, SAS, SPSS, Matlab. Strong
background in computing and quantitative data analysis.
Preferred: Advanced degree in a quantitative social science or equivalent
experience; experience in using complex machine-readable data; programming
ability; some UNIX/server administration background; experience with Survey
Documentation and Analysis (SDA) and/or Nesstar. Demonstrated ability and
experience functioning successfully in a fast-paced environment with a
strong service orientation.
Desirable: MLS from ALA accredited library school. Advanced Perl, MySQL,
and CGI knowledge. Strong econometrics background or familiarity with
economic and/or financial data.
Benefits: Twenty-four (24) vacation days a year, plus eleven (11) paid
holidays. Annuity program (TIAA/CREF), group life insurance, health
coverage insurance, disability insurance, and other benefits are available.
Salary & Rank: Dependent upon qualifications and experience. Position may
be a Librarian position or a Professional Technical Staff position.
Nominations and Applications: Review of applications will begin immediately
and will continue until the position is filled. Nominations and
applications (cover letter, resume and the names, titles, addresses and
phone numbers of three references) should be sent as an MS Word attachment
via email to:
[email protected] or by fax to 609-258-0454. Submissions via regular
mail are also welcomed and can be sent to: Search Committee for Data
Services Specialist, C/O Jasmin Kotwal, Human Resources Specialist,
Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey
For information about applying to Princeton, please link to:
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/