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Re: st: SPOST prchange command for mlogit model

From   "David Quinn" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: SPOST prchange command for mlogit model
Date   Mon, 24 Jul 2006 19:00:24 -0400

Thank you.  I'm probably not going to present them anyways.  I really
just wanted to verify that the rank ordering of strength of association
described by the odds ratios coincided with that described by the
standard deviation probabilities.  The reason was that two of the odds
ratios did not make intuitive sense to me, and I wanted to be sure that
I was not misinterpreting them.  The variable related to this is
behaving weirdly, and I might exclude it from the model anyways.  

>>> [email protected] 07/24/06 6:43 PM >>>
At 09:49 AM 7/24/2006, David Quinn wrote:
>The problem is that "prchange" will not generate one standard deviation
>changes in probabilities for the dichotomous IVs.  I cannot seem to
>figure out how to do this.  Am I missing something, or is there an
>alternative method?  I need to be able to do this because I need to be
>able to compare the effects of all IVs using the same standard.  If I
>present one standard deviation probability changes for all ordinal and
>continuous IVs and min to max changes for the dichtomous IVs, the
>ranking of the relative effect of each IV does not coincide with what
>the standardized odds ratios are telling me.

What you want to do is generally frowned upon because it is 
impossible for a dichotomous IV to increase by 1 standard deviation.

Nonetheless, if you absolutely positively want to do it anyway, just 
change the coding of the dichotomy from 0-1 to 1-2.  (But don't let 
anybody know I told you that.  :) )

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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