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st: more efficient techniques

From   Michael Alexander <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: more efficient techniques
Date   Tue, 18 Jul 2006 16:43:01 +1000

Hi Statalist

In the interests of learning some more efficient programming techniques, I am wondering anyone can suggest a way to improve the following code. Ideally, I would like to do away with the second -foreach- statement, which is just a repeat of the first with arguments changed (valm5 for valm3 and m5b for m4). In this case it was no big deal to just copy the first statement and amend its contents, but if I had 20 occurences then I would obviously want to automate the process. I assume a solution would have to do with using an additional -foreach- statement but not quite sure how this would work when I have two arguments that need to change on each loop through.

Thanks in anticipation

gen hsecostw=0 if inlist(m1, 1, 6, 7, 8)
local i=1
foreach x of numlist 1 2 12 52 {
replace hsecostw = valm3/`x' if valm3>=0 & m4==`i'
local ++i
local i=1
foreach x of numlist 1 2 12 52 {
replace hsecostw = valm5/`x' if valm5>=0 & m5b==`i'
local ++i

Michael Alexander
Principal Research Fellow
Australian Institute of Family Studies

300 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000

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