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st: reg3 is not doing what I need it to do, suggestions?

From   Anna G <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: reg3 is not doing what I need it to do, suggestions?
Date   Sun, 16 Jul 2006 15:44:07 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Statalist members,
thank you so much for your incredible help so far.
I have a question regarding reg3.
I am trying to estimate the following system of equations:
z=x-hat $variables
x=y-hat prices $variables
y=assets $variables
I am coding this as
reg3 (z x $variables)
    (x y prices $variables)
    (y assets $variables)
The results however do not seem to be giving me the coefficients on y-hat and x-hat but rather on y and x.
Any suggestions? I've read thoroughly the reference on the command, and the discussion on reg3 in the statalist.
For people interested, the following are my variables:
z - nutritional status z-score of children in the household
x - caloric availability at the household level
y - income, hh-level
The above are all simulataneously determined. 
variables -- hh and province-level controls.
Thank you in advance.
Stata 8.2 intercooled on windows xp
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