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st: Pearson Goodness of Fit

From   "Nikolaos Kanellopoulos" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Pearson Goodness of Fit
Date   Sun, 16 Jul 2006 15:31:18 +0100

Dear list,

I want to estimate the Pearson Goodness of fit after a Random Effects
Probit. To do that I need to count the frequencies of each sequence that my
actual variable (y) and its prediction (yhat)have.

For instance in the following example y takes 3 sequences by id and t 0001,
0000, 0011 with frequencies 2 ,1, 1 respectively and yhat takes 0001, 0000,
1000, 0011 each with frequency 1. My problem is that I can't count the
different sequences that y and yhat follow.

Any help is more than welcome.


	id   t   y   yhat 
1.	1   1   0      0 
2.	1   2   0      0 
3.	1   3   0      0 
4.	1   4   1      1 
5.	2   1   0      0 
6.	2   2   0      0 
7.	2   3   0      0 
8.	2   4   1      0 
9.	3   1   0      1 
10.	3   2   0      0 
11.	3   3   0      0 
12.	3   4   0      0 
13.	4   1   0      0 
14.	4   2   0      0 
15.	4   3   1      1 
16.	4   4   1      1 

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