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Re: st: merging spell data to episode data

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: merging spell data to episode data
Date   Wed, 12 Jul 2006 13:15:39 -0500

How about using -joinby- to locate the observations where date is 
between start and end and then -merge- to pick up the unmatched spells.

For example:

input id  str10 startd  str10 endd             othervars
1 "jan1,2006"  "mar15,2006"         5
1 "mar16,2006"  "jun1,2006"         13
1 "jun2,2006"  "mar1,2007"         7
2 "feb7,2006"  "mar3,2006"        6
2 "jun4,2006"  "sep5,2006"       6

gen start = date(startd, "md19y")
gen end = date(endd, "md19y")
format start %d
format end %d

drop startd endd
sort id start
tempfile temp1
save `temp1'

input id str10 date         otherstuff
1 "feb1,2006" 7
1 "feb2,2007" 8
2 "mar3,2006" 3
gen date2 = date(date, "md19y")
format date2 %d

joinby id using `temp1'
gen tag = start if date2 <= end & date2 >=start
format tag %d
keep if tag != .
keep id date2 otherstuff tag
rename tag start
sort id start

merge id start using `temp1', 
sort id start


----- Original Message -----
From: Amanda Kowalski <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:39 am
Subject: st: merging spell data to episode data
To: [email protected]

> Statalist,
> I am trying to merge spell data to episode data.  For example, my 
> spell data
> looks something like this (with dates formatted as dates in Stata):
> id 	startd 	endd                	othervars
> 1	jan1,2006	mar15,2006        	5
> 1	mar16,2006	jun1,2006        	13
> 1	jun2,2006	mar1,2007        	7
> 2	feb7,2006	mar3,2006        	6
> 2	jun4,2006	sep5,2006        	6
> (None of the spells overlap, but there are gaps).
> And my episode data looks somthing like this:
> id	date        	otherstuff
> 1	feb1,2006	7
> 1	feb2,2007	8
> 2	mar3,2006	3
> For each episode, I'd like to merge on the data from the spell 
> that covers
> it.  Ideally, there would be a merging rule that would merge by id 
> if date
> is in the range specified by startd and endd, but I can't find any 
> commandsthat do this.
> I have searched the stata help files, the internet, and the statlist
> archives.  Do you have any suggestions?  My inelegant ideas include:
> Turn the spell data into date data by making one observation for 
> every date,
> retaining startd and endd with every observation, and then merge.  
> Thisisn't a good plan because my dataset is very large.
> Use "joinby" to merge every pairwise combination of observations 
> by id.
> Then, if date isn't between startd and endd, discard the observation.
> However, I'd prefer to retain unmatched spells and episodes, and this
> strategy would make it harder to locate them.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Amanda

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