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st: RE: Out-of-date commands

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Out-of-date commands
Date   Tue, 11 Jul 2006 23:48:02 +0100

You have answered your own question. The only way 
to see a manual entry for commands that are out-of-date
is to find a manual for a version in which that
command was current. 

Sometimes, but not always, the on-line help remains
available far beyond a command's obsolescence. 

-for- (meaning Stata's -for-, not Mata's -for-) is 
an example in which documentation is indeed elusive. 
One story behind this is that the implementation 
of -for- is now widely regarded as a Bad Idea. 
That still leaves needs like yours unsatisfied. 

On the whole, however, there are very few 
commands for which that is true. 

[email protected] 

McKenna, Timothy
> Is there a way to see a manual entry for commands that are 
> out-of-date?
> I am reading code written by a colleague that used the -for- 
> command and
> when I went to the online help I was told to look at -foreach- and
> -forvalues-.  I checked in -help undocumented- but that also 
> didn't have
> an entry for -for-.  I managed to track down a v6 manual, without it I
> wouldn't have been able to read the code.

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