Dear All,
I would like to find the estimates for these 3 simultaneous equations:
Eqn 1: y1 = f(y2, y3, X1)
Eqn 2: y2 = f(y1, y3, X2)
Eqn 3: y3 = f(y1, y2, X3)
y3: endogenous binary variable,
y1, y2: endogenous continuous variables, and
X1, X2, X3: sets of exogenous variables.
If it helps, let's assume that all disturbance terms are independent
and normally distributed.
Taken separately, I could estimate Eqns 1 and 2 using -regress-, and
Eqn 3 using -probit-. However, I am not sure how to proceed if these
were to be seen as a system of simultaneous equations. Is there a
command for this in Stata 9? Any other comments/suggestions would be
greatly appreciated too.
Thanks in advance!
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