You could build the command in loops and store it as a sting in a local macro, and in the end call that string to run the entire command. Below is a command I think will work, but I cannot check it. The first loop creates a local macro called nlcom`i'`j', where i and j are replaced with the appropriate numbers depending on the state of the loop. Stata normally sees a hard return as a sign that the command has ended. In my previous post I told Stata to ignore the hard returns within the command by commenting them out (put the hard returns between /* and */). This won't work here since I told Stata that that line is a string, which is not to be interpreted (yet). So instead I changed the "end of command sign" to ; with the command #delim ; after that I changed it back to hard return with the command #delim cr. The second loops pasts the different commands together. Note both local commands do not contain a = sign. This helps to keep the length of the string below the maximum le
ngth, however the maximum string length may still bite.
Ps. Since this is a problem that is likely to be encountered by other users of the Statalist I have forwarded it to the statalist as well, so people can find it if they are looking for this in the statalist archive.
forvalues i = 1 / $NEQN {
forvalues j = 1 / `--i' {
#delimit ;
local nlcom`i'`j'
"(e`i'`j'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`i' - _b[beta:b`i'] * (a`j'/a`i') )
(e`j'`i'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`j' - _b[beta:b`j'] * (a`i'/a`j') )
(eh`i'`j'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`i' - _b[beta:b`i'] * (a`j'/a`i') + a`j' * ((_b[beta:b`i']/a`i') + 1 ))
(eh`j'`i'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`j' - _b[beta:b`j'] * (a`i'/a`j') + a`i' * ((_b[beta:b`j']/a`j') + 1 ))" ;
#delimit cr
forvalues i = 1 / $NEQN {
forvalues j = 1 / `--i' {
local nlcom "`nlcom' `nlcom`i'`j''"
#delimit ;
nlcom `nlcom' ;
#delimit cr
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting adress:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z214
+31 20 5986715
-----Original Message-----
From: Val�rie Orozco [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: maandag 10 juli 2006 9:50
To: Maarten Buis
Subject: combinations of parameters estimated
Thank you very much Maarten,
I haven't thought of the post command of nlcom.
Concerning the variance covariance matrix, I can have it if and only if
I construct all the combinations I want in a unique declaration of
nlcom. It is logical but I don't know if it will be easy for my problem
since I have many elasticities to estimate and since I wanted te
generate them automatically (with loops) like :
forvalues i = 1 / $NEQN {
local iminus = `i' - 1
forvalues j = 1 / `iminus' {
nlcom (e`i'`j'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`i' - _b[beta:b`i'] *
(a`j'/a`i') ) /*
*/ (e`j'`i'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`j' - _b[beta:b`j'] *
(a`i'/a`j') ) /*
*/ (eh`i'`j'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`i' - _b[beta:b`i'] *
(a`j'/a`i') + a`j' * ((_b[beta:b`i']/a`i') + 1 )) /*
*/ (eh`j'`i'bis : _b[gamma:g`i'`j'] /a`j' - _b[beta:b`j'] *
(a`i'/a`j') + a`i' * ((_b[beta:b`j']/a`j') + 1 ))
Do you have another idea or Have I to choose whether to compute
automatically without variance covariance matrix (of all the
elasticities I want), whether to write all the elasticities I want in
one nlcom command, but depending on the case...
Val�rie Orozco
ESR INRA - BP52627 - 31326 Castanet Tolosan Cedex
[email protected]
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