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st: RE: Graph twoway: Multiple axis and order of plots

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Graph twoway: Multiple axis and order of plots
Date   Thu, 6 Jul 2006 15:20:17 +0100

There is no concrete code to comment on here. 
I did this: 

. sysuse auto, clear 
(1978 Automobile Data)

. collapse mpg, by(rep78) 

. l

     | rep78       mpg |
  1. |     1        21 |
  2. |     2    19.125 |
  3. |     3   19.4333 |
  4. |     4   21.6667 |
  5. |     5   27.3636 |
  6. |     .      21.4 |

. twoway bar mpg rep78, yaxis(1 2) yla(18(2)28, axis(2)) 
|| line mpg rep78, yla(20 30, axis(1))

and the line plot is on top of the bar plot, and I have 
two separate axes. Does that help? 


Peter Uhrmacher
> it seems that I am unable to solve a rather simple problem... 
> but I hope 
> you can. What I would like to have is a "graph twoway" with a 
> line plot 
> and a bar plot. the line plot is supposed to use yaxis1, the 
> bar plot is 
> supposed to use yaxis2. at the same time, the bar plot is supposed to 
> appear in the background (so that the lines appear on top of it). 
> however, whatever I try it seems that the plots that use yaxis2 are 
> always put on top of the others that use yaxis1... (which in my case 
> means that the line plot is hidden behind the bars). Is there a 
> solution? I'm sure there is.

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