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st: Graph twoway: Multiple axis and order of plots

From   Peter Uhrmacher <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Graph twoway: Multiple axis and order of plots
Date   Thu, 06 Jul 2006 15:29:11 +0200

Dear all,

it seems that I am unable to solve a rather simple problem... but I hope you can. What I would like to have is a "graph twoway" with a line plot and a bar plot. the line plot is supposed to use yaxis1, the bar plot is supposed to use yaxis2. at the same time, the bar plot is supposed to appear in the background (so that the lines appear on top of it). however, whatever I try it seems that the plots that use yaxis2 are always put on top of the others that use yaxis1... (which in my case means that the line plot is hidden behind the bars). Is there a solution? I'm sure there is.

Thanks a lot in advance!!!
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