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Re: st: nested design and logistic regression

From   "Denis Haine" <>
Subject   Re: st: nested design and logistic regression
Date   Wed, 05 Jul 2006 18:33:01 -0600

I'm not sure -nlogit- would do for my problem. With -nlogit-, as explained in the manual, the decisions in later levels are limited by those made in earlier levels and there's no repetiton of the decision in a specific level. Here, maternal parents have or have not a treatment and their offspring are receiving the same treatment, at high or low dose. So you have 4 groups: treated mother-offspring high dose, treated mother-offspring low dose, not treated mother-offspring high dose, not treated mother-offspring low dose.


From: "Clive Nicholas" <>
Subject: Re: st: nested design and logistic regression
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 23:44:04 +0100 (BST)

Denis Haine wrote:

> I have a 2 factors nested design model, where treatment received by
> siblings
> (low dose vs. high dose) is nested in same treatment received by their
> maternal parents (received or not). I could fit an anova for nested design
> for a continuous dependent variable, e.g. anova y trt_mat /
> trt_sib|trt_mat
> /, but how to fit a logistic regression taking into account this nesting
> of
> the 2 treatments if I have a binary dependent variable?

I am _not, in any way_, an expert in nested logit models, but would not
-nlogit- help here? See -whelp nlogit-. If not, I retire.

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