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st: Multivariate Tobit

From   "Diana Fletschner" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Multivariate Tobit
Date   Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:11:58 -0700

Dear Stata-users:

I am trying to analyze how spouses who save structure their savings portfolio. That is, what percentage of their savings is in joint accounts, or under his name, or under her name. A basic approach would be to use three Tobit models given that the three dependent variables are bounded between 0 and 100. However, I want to estimate them jointly as a Multivariate Tobit given that the errors are likely to be correlated due to unobserved household characteristics. And, I would like to impose restrictions on the coefficients taking advantage of the fact that we know the sum of the three dependent variables has to equal 100.

Does anyone have and is willing to share a routine to do the Multivariate Tobit (ideally with upper and lower limits and with restrictions) ? Or any suggestions on how to proceed?

I would appreciate any help!

Diana Fletschner
Assistant Professor
Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs
University of Washington
(206) 616-1297

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