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st: editing the graph schemes - can't make it outline all graphs

From   Anna Gueorguieva <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: editing the graph schemes - can't make it outline all graphs
Date   Thu, 29 Jun 2006 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT)

Dear STATA list users,
Thank you so much for your invaluable help so far.
Quick question.
I am trying to make all my graphs more printer
friendly and I am using the s1mono scheme, which is
very useful. 
I want to edit the scheme  to:
-outline every graph
-using dots instead of diamonds for scatter plots
(symbol o)
-start using filling colors black and white, and ONLY
AS A THIRD+ color gray scales.

I tried inserting the following line:
color outline black
to no avail.
Any suggestions? 
Or if easier, a recommendation for a good scheme. The
lean1 and 2 did not work for me. The second screwed up
the placement of the legend and the made all bars
black. FYI below is the text of the scheme.

Thank you in advance for your time.
Anna (STATA 8.2SE user)
*                                    s1mono.scheme

* s1 scheme family with a naturally white background
and gray scale 
* foreground (lines, symbols, text, etc).

*  version 1.0.0

#include s1color

color             black
color background  white
color foreground  black

color box           gs13
color textbox       gs13
color mat_label_box gs13

color filled_text  black
color filled       gs13

color grid         gs14
color major_grid   gs14
color minor_grid   gs5

color ci_line      gs8
color ci_arealine  gs14
color ci_area      gs14
color ci_symbol    gs9
color ci2_line     gs4
color ci2_arealine gs11
color ci2_area     gs11
color ci2_symbol   gs6

color matrix         gs6    
color refmarker      gs11
color refmarkline    black
color histogram      gs8
color histback       gs10
color histogram_line black

color xyline       gs3
color refline      gs3
color dots         black

color p       black
color p1      gs6
color p2      gs10
color p3      gs8
color p4      gs4
color p5      black
color p6      gs14
color p7      gs2
color p8      gs7
color p9      gs9
color p10     gs11
color p11     gs13
color p12     gs15
color p13     gs3
color p14     gs12
color p15     gs5

color pline black

color plabel       black

color pmarkback      white
color pmarkbkfill    white

* color p1markfill     light_xyz
* color p2markfill     light_xyz
* color p3markfill     light_xyz
* color p4markfill     light_xyz
* color p5markfill     light_xyz
* color p6markfill     light_xyz
* color p1markfill     none
* color p2markfill     none
* color p3markfill     none
* color p4markfill     none
* color p5markfill     none
* color p6markfill     none
* color p1mark         yellow
* color p2mark         red
* color p3mark         blue
* color p#markfill   none
* color p#           yellow
* color p#line       yellow
* color p#shade      yellow
* color p#markback   yellow
* color p#markbkfill yellow
* color p#area       yellow
* color plabel       black

symbol p      circle
symbol p1     circle
symbol p2     diamond
symbol p3     square
symbol p4     triangle
symbol p5     x
symbol p6     plus
symbol p7     circle_hollow
symbol p8     diamond_hollow
symbol p9     square_hollow
symbol p10    triangle_hollow
symbol p11    smcircle
symbol p12    smdiamond
symbol p13    smsquare
symbol p14    smtriangle
symbol p15    smx

linepattern p1line  solid
linepattern p2line  dash
linepattern p3line  vshortdash
linepattern p4line  longdash_dot
linepattern p5line  longdash
linepattern p6line  dash_dot
linepattern p7line  dot
linepattern p8line  shortdash_dot
linepattern p9line  tight_dot
linepattern p10line dash_dot_dot
linepattern p11line longdash_shortdash
linepattern p12line dash_3dot
linepattern p13line longdash_dot_dot
linepattern p14line shortdash_dot_dot
linepattern p15line longdash_3dot

intensity bar        full
intensity bar_line   full
intensity box        full
intensity box_line   full
intensity pie        full

medtypestyle  boxplot  cline

linestyle box_median     wide_background

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