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Re: st: Windows XP x64?

From   "Anders Alexandersson" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Windows XP x64?
Date   Thu, 29 Jun 2006 13:20:20 -0400

Matissa Hollis <[email protected]> wrote:
[...] I'm wondering if folks have experience with
Windows x64.  If so, does it make a big difference in
running Stata?  Is it worth the trouble negotiating
all the other compability problems?
At work I use Stata 9 for Windows x86-64 without any problems. At the
beginning I noted a bug in ODBC and saving PNG files but StataCorp, as
usual, resolved the issues quickly. I'm not aware of any Stata bugs in
the current version. I found that compatibility problems that are not
Stata related were more troublesome. At the beginning, I had to spend
some work on getting a 64-bit printer driver, 64-bit antivirus
software, and a 64-bit license for SAS. Now these issues are resolved,
but I still don't know how to use Latex on my 64-bit Windows XP. I'm
hoping that MikTex will be available later this year but there is no

I think the key question is: Do you need to use larger datasets than a
32-bit OS can handle? If yes, get the 64-bit Stata version. If not,
which version will be faster? For a speed comparison before Stata/MP,
see I
don't know about speed comparisons of the 32-bit and 64-bit versions
of Stata/MP.

-Anders Alexandersson
[email protected]
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