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st: gen new variable, dealing with prefix codes

From   LaVera Crawley <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: gen new variable, dealing with prefix codes
Date   Tue, 27 Jun 2006 13:12:34 -0700

I am working with a 3 byte numeric variable of age at death where the first integer (prefix) codes whether the next 2 integers are in years, months, days, hours, or minutes. So it lists age in years as 1 + years; It lists months as 2 + months; days are 3 + days etc. For example, a person who died at 59 years of age is coded as 159; a child who died at 3 months of age is coded as 203; death at 4 days is 304; death 6 hours after birth is 406; etc.

I need to convert this to the following 11 age intervals in years:
0 to less than 1;
1 to 4;
5 to 14;
15 to 24;
25 to 34;
continuing 10 year intervals up to 85+.

I am having trouble creating a stata command for this because of how the bytes are set up (because of the prefix month, day, hour, & minute integers.) Please help!

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