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Re: st: Mata functions not found in compiled Mata library

From   [email protected] (William Gould, Stata)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Mata functions not found in compiled Mata library
Date   Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:11:28 -0500

Uli Kohler <[email protected]> and Magda Luniak <[email protected]>
are having problems getting their code to work after putting it in a
.mlib library.

They have a do-file which compiles all the code, 

        . do lsq.mata

and I assume file lsq.mata also creates the library.  The library, they 
report, is named lsq.mata.

They have an ado file, sqom.ado, which works just fine right after 
-do lsq.mata-, 

        . do lsq.mata

        . sqom
        <expected output appears>

but later, or after a -clear-, if they run -sqom-, they get an error message, 

        . sqom
          <istmt>:  3499  sqomref() not found

So what could be going on?  There are two possibilities, 

    1.  The have not included everything in the library that they 
        thought they did (in particularly, they left out -sqomref()-, or

    2.  The computer is not even looking in the library lsq.mata.

I rather like #2.

Where is the file lsq.mata?  That is, in which directdory?  When was it 
put there?  Even if lsq.mata is located in some official directory 
(such as PERSONAL), it it was put there after Stata was already 
running, Mata would not know to look there, and in that case, you must type

        . mata mlib index

Don't do that yet, though.  First type, 

        . mata mlib query

to find out what libraries Mata is searching.

Mata's library search

Libraries in Mata start with the letter "l" (el) and end in ".mlib".  
Unlike with ado-files, however, Mata does not search for them any time 
it cannot find something it needs.  

Instead, Mata forms a list of the libraries.  It does that the first 
time -mata- is invoked in a Stata session.  Mata also does it whenever 
you type 

       : mata mlib index

to the Mata prompt.
I do not recommend you put -mata: mata mlib index- in your ado-file, because 
the command can take a long time to run, especially on laptops.

Anyway, when I type -mata mlib query- on my computer, here is the result:

        : mata mlib query
        .mlib libraries to be searched are

I get the same result if I type -mata mlib index- because I only have 
two libraries that came with Mata on my computer.

When Uli or Magda type -mata mlib query-, they hope to see something like 

        : mata mlib query
        .mlib libraries to be searched are

If they do not, then Mata is not looking there.  Assuming the library is 
around where Mata can find it, typing 
        : mata mlib index
        .mlib libraries to be searched are now

should fix the problem.  Assuming the library is in some official place 
(such as PERSONAL), the next time they want to use -sqom-, they will not 
have to type -mata mlib index- because the library will be found automatically
the first time Mata is invoked.

Anyway, the unfound library is my favorite explanation right now.
I especially like it because it might explain the apparent random 
behavior they described.  Imagine they have old versions of some routines 
laying around in .o files.  Not finding the library, Mata might latch onto 

My second favorite explanation is that the library does not contain 
everything Uli and Magda think it contains, and I'll mix that with 
old .o files laying around.  The next time Uli or Magda get one of the 
longer error messages, such as

        . sqom
          hashing():  3499  elemlist() not found
          sqomref():     -  function returned error
          <istmt>:        -  function returned error

I suggest they explore such how -sqomref()- and -hashing()- were found,
which they can do by typing 

	. mata: mata which sqomref()

	. mata: mata which hashing()

They might be in for a surprise.

When I create a Mata library, here is how I organize my file:

      ----------------------------- example.mata --- BEGIN ---
      version 9.2


      capture erase "`c(sysdir_personal)'/lexample.mlib"

      // ---------------------------- code begins

      function ...

      // ---------------------------- code ends

      mata mlib create lexample,        dir(PERSONAL)
      mata mlib add    lexample  *(),   dir(PERSONAL)
      mata describe using lexample
      ----------------------------- example.mata --- END ---

This way, I know I leave nothing out.

In the example above, I create the library in my PERSONAL directory.

-- Bill
[email protected]
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