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Re: st: dialog programming question

From   [email protected] (James Hassell, StataCorp)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: dialog programming question
Date   Thu, 22 Jun 2006 12:06:54 -0500

Michael Blasnik <[email protected]> wrote,

>I'm working on a project where I need to create a dialog box for the end 
>user.  I want the user to be able to permanently store and retrieve all of 
>the settings in the dialog box.  I've found a way to do this by keeping the 
>settings information in a Stata dataset and creating buttons that activate 
>programs in the dialog file for retrieving old settings and saving new 
>settings through global macros.
>The problem I'm having is that when settings are retrieved, the values in 
>the dialog box don't change unless the user clicks the reset button in the 
>bottom left corner.  I'd like to know if there is a way to automatically 
>initiate a reset from within a script or program so that the default values 
>update themselves.  The reset button does get a name (usually res1) so I'm 
>wondering if there is some type of member function to initiate a reset.

Michael may be able to use a PREINIT or POSTINIT script from within the dialog
to do what he wants. The idea is not to issue a Reset, but to have the
dialog initialize itself with the correct values at the appropriate time.
For more information on PREINIT and POSTINIT, see -help dialog- and
take a look at section 5.6 Special scripts and programs.

[email protected]

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