I was wondeirng if anybody had experience importing
STAR data files from the UNOS (transplant registry)
into Stata format. How do I go about doing that?
These are the instructions provided by them but I'm
not sure how to go about importing the .dat file into
"The data is provided as both a SAS cport file for SAS
users as well as a text file for non-SAS users. The
transplant cport file is named
liver_public_use_cport_file and includes a SAS dataset
named liver_public_use_data as well as the needed
formats. There is also some sample SAS code provided
in a text file named sample_code.txt. For the non-SAS
users, the main database transplant text file is named
liver_public_use_flatfile.dat. This will need to be
imported using the file layout named
liver_public_use_flatfile.doc. The file name for the
needed transplant formats is all_fmts_flatfile.dat.
This will need to be imported using the file layout
named all_fmts_flatfile.doc. The follow-up data is
provided in a separate directory with similar naming
conventions to the transplant data. "
Any help will be appreciated. Else, does anyone know
where I can get such help online at?
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