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Re: st: Graph format that can be edited in Word/Windows applications? Any other ideas for non-stata users to edit my work?

From   "Tim Wade" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Graph format that can be edited in Word/Windows applications? Any other ideas for non-stata users to edit my work?
Date   Mon, 19 Jun 2006 13:44:28 -0400

After lots of trial and error experimenting, for my purposes the PNG
format has been the highest quality and easiest to work with,
especially for directly importing into MS office applications.
Although I don't think the graphics can be edited in Word, or other
office programs directly, there do seem to be several applications
that are capable of editing these graphics:

hope this is helpful, Tim

On 6/17/06, Anna Gueorguieva <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear All,
I am working on a big  report and will have others do
the final editing, translation to another language and
preparation for printing.

I need to produce my stata graphs in a format that
will allow others to edit the text portions (source,
labels, xtitle, etc) using common windows

Any advice?

If that is not possible, other ideas?

How can i "strip down" my graphs to the graph section,
without any labels etc. that can be later inserted in
a some sort of frame ,where the axes titles can be
added (Actually, any advice on that? Seems like it
will be impossible to make it work, e.g. how to denote
a dotted line vs some other line).

Thank you in advance for your time! Happy world cup

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