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st: RE: Modifying -irf graph- output

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Modifying -irf graph- output
Date   Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:53:03 -0500

For 1. and 2. take a look at -byopts- option and the axis title can be added
at the end.

For example:

irf graph irf, irf(test_irf) byopts(title(My Title) note("") /// 
 legend(off)) xtitle(Years) ytitle(My ytitle)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Michael S. Hanson
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:27 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Modifying -irf graph- output
> 	I have been trying, without much luck, to modify the graphical
> output of -irf graph- (using Stata/SE 9.2, updated May 17th).  To
> illustrate, the following code will generate a basic 3 x 3 plot of
> the impulse responses from a very simple VAR model:
> webuse lutkepohl
> var linv linc lcon
> irf set test
> irf create test_irf, step(12)
> irf graph irf, irf(test_irf)
> 	1. How does one add a title to the whole plot?  (Much like the
> legend and the note at the bottom of the plot?)  A command like -irf
> graph irf, irf(test_irf) title("Title")- or -irf graph irf, irf
> (test_irf) title("Title", span)- simply adds the title to each
> subplot individually.
> 	2. How does one change the text of and/or remove the legend and the
> note?  I attempted variations on -irf graph irf, irf(test_irf) legend
> (off)-, which have had no effect.
> 	3. How does one change/control the axis labels and titles?  In
> particular, I want to either change or delete the text that reads
> "step" by default beneath the final row of subplots.
> 	I have been successful in controlling some aspects of how the
> subplots display;  for example, I have been able to change the range
> along the x-axis with the command -irf graph irf, irf(test_irf) xlabel
> (0(4)12, grid)-.  But I don't see how to change attributes that apply
> to the graph as a whole.  I'm hoping that someone will be able to
> suggest a simpler solution than to create a similar IRF graph by
> scratch -- that is, save each subplot individually with the -
> individual- option, then use -graph combine- to re-assemble them with
> the desired labels, titles, etc.  (Although if anyone has working
> code examples of that approach, I'd appreciate the opportunity look
> at them.)  Thanks for any suggestions.
>                                          -- Mike

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