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st: Cointegration - one more try

From   "Svein.Oskar Lauvsnes" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Cointegration - one more try
Date   Wed, 14 Jun 2006 16:32:11 +0200

Hi, I've tried 2 times earlier to find somebody who could give advice on cointegration analysis in Stata, so far nobody has answered. Here is the last attempt: is it possible to estimate models with restrcitions on the short term coefficients (i.e. uneven lag lengths in the underlying VAR) and also to include exogenous variables? Next: Stata offers 5 different trend and constant term specifications; how are the constant terms identified in the case where an intercept is included both in the VAR and in the cointegrating equation (+ a trend in the CE)? Lutkepohl/Kratzig recommends that there should should be only intercept due to identification problems (cf. their free software JMulti).

Best regards,


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