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Re: st: gllamm output
Only answering questions 1 and 2.
Are you sure you don't want to fit the following:
gllamm DV V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 count, i(YOUR COUNTY-ID) family(bin) link(logit)
The number of volunteer organizations in the county is an independent
variable, isn't it? You used it as the county-identifier, so your model
doesn't make much sense, I think.
Question 2: Using the latent-response formulation of the logistic
regression model, y*i=b0+b1x1i+...+ei, it is assumed that ei has a
logistic distribution with mean zero and variance pi^2/3=3.29.
Dari Sylvester wrote:
I used the gllamm command for a multilevel analysis that estimates the
dichotomous outcome of volunteering or not volunteering based on
individual characteristics (level 1) and the number of volunteer
organizations in the county in which one lives (level 2).
There are explanatory variables at the level of individuals from V1
through V8.
I have no particular equation to estimate for the county level.
I ran the following:
gllamm DV V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8, i(count) family(bin) link(logit)
**Where DV is the dependent variable, V1-V8 are explanatory variables
for the individual level, COUNT is the count of organizations in the
county level. **
I received the following output:
number of level 1 units = 19395
number of level 2 units = 137
Condition Number = 481.48689
gllamm model
log likelihood = -8947.353
DV | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf.
V1 | .0052359 .0003777 13.86 0.000 .0044956
V2 | .6474295 .0736646 8.79 0.000 .5030495
V3 | 1.544726 .0851626 18.14 0.000 1.37781
V4 | .2398346 .0198328 12.09 0.000 .200963
V5 | .4001724 .0403935 9.91 0.000 .3210025
V6 | .386209 .0383842 10.06 0.000 .3109772
V7 | .6155165 .0775643 7.94 0.000 .4634934
V8 | 3.722145 .0636431 58.48 0.000 3.597407
_cons | -5.60294 .1000996 -55.97 0.000 -5.799131
Variances and covariances of random effects
***level 2 (count)
var(1): .01434088 (.00613062)
1. I'm not sure why the condition number is so high - leads me to
believe I've made an error in how I've set up the gllamm model.
2. Why isn't level 1 variance reported?
3. How does the interaction between levels (i.e. the individual nested
in numbers of county organizations) differ in this multilevel estimation
from running a probit with interaction terms added for each of the
individual level variables of interest multiplied by the number of
county organizations? In other words, running:
Thank you kindly,
D. Sylvester
Dari E. Sylvester
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Senior Fellow, Jacoby Center for Public Service and Civic Leadership
University of the Pacific
Stockton, CA 95211
Phone: (209) 946-2007
Fax: (209) 946-2318
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