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Re: st: problems with converting from numerical to string

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: problems with converting from numerical to string
Date   Sun, 11 Jun 2006 15:35:04 +0930

gen str8 F = string(POP, "%8.0f")

My release 7 manuals are long gone, but I think that release 7 supported the formatting facility as the second, optional, argument of the -string()- function . Certainly, release 8 and 9 do.

see -help functions-


At 12:28 AM 11/06/2006 -0500, you wrote:

Dear Statalist,
I am Stata7 user.
I have a problem with converting from numerical to string format.
My variable POP is in the format %8.0f. The numbers in POP are whole, the
largest entries consist of 8 digits. My problem is that after I do

gen str8 F=string(POP),

some of the entries of F variable are displayed in scientific notation form
like this:

1.45e+07 14531529

This only happens to entries consisting of 8 digits, the appearance of entries
consisiting of less than 8 digits is not altered by conversion.

I would appreciate any help on how to deal with this problem.
With best regards,
Olena Stavrunova

----- Forwarded message from [email protected] -----
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 07:41:39 -0500
From: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: .dct for dataset without end-of-line delimiter: record too long?
To: [email protected]

Dear Statalist,
I apologize if this is a duplicate - I was not sure whether my first message
went on correctly.
I am Stata7 user.
I am trying to infile data from the datafile which does not have end-of-line
delimiters. My dictionary file looks like this:

dictionary using mydata{
float caseid %5f "id"

I get the error message:
"8231 not allowed
dictionary invalid"

By trying different # in _lrecl(#) I figured that # must be less than 7999 in
order for my dictionary file to work.
But the length of the line in my file is 8231.
I would greatly appreciate any advise on how I can infile variables from this
With best regards,
Olena Stavrunova

----- End forwarded message -----

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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
Discipline of Public Health

Director, Data Management & Analysis Centre

Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences

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