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st: Data editor creates new var1

From   "Carter Rees" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Data editor creates new var1
Date   Sat, 10 Jun 2006 17:27:23 -0400


I am working with Stata 9.1/Windows XP.  I am hand entering data into the
data editor across 38 variables.  Three variables are string with remaining
number in a %9.2f format.  Once I have entered a case I go to an Excel
spreadsheet and check off that case on my to-do list.  When I return to
Stata I notice that my data editor now has a new variable called VAR1 which
also has a %9.2f format, has the value label missing assigned to it (as do
the other numeric variables), and has the variable name of the variable
immediately preceding it.  VAR1 has data in it that is supposed to be
assigned to another variable.

This odd behavior has happened twice now and I noticed that my variable name
INTALNASL was removed from the data in both instances but the data
corresponding to it remains.  The variable names are simply shifted to the
right by one variable.  

Is there a combination of keys that I may be pressing that would cause the
new variable to be created with the data editor open?  My data remains
unaffected which is a bonus but renaming my variables so they match the
correct column is time consuming and annoying.



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