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st: Title: How to calculate average in different interval

From   "Gary Tian" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Title: How to calculate average in different interval
Date   Thu, 8 Jun 2006 12:18:15 +1000

Title:  How to calculate average in different interval ?


Can anyone help me ?

I have stock transaction data. I need to calculate each second average
trading volume. How can I to produce a new variable such as volavg and
put average volume in the last one of the same second ?

order   date            time            price   vol
1       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     5000
2       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     651
3       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     3349
4       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     349
5       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     1500
6       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     5651
7       1-Jul-05        10:02:24        5.8     2000
8       1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     1000
9       1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     37711
10      1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     500
11      1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     8789
12      1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     2000
13      1-Jul-05        10:02:35        5.8     2583
14      1-Jul-05        10:02:36        5.8     5000

The result that I want:

order   date            time            price   vol     volavg
1       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     5000    .
2       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     651     .
3       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     3349    .
4       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     349     .
5       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     1500    .
6       1-Jul-05        10:02:19        5.8     5651    =
7       1-Jul-05        10:02:24        5.8     2000    2000
8       1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     1000    .
9       1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     37711   .
10      1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     500     .
11      1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     8789    .
12      1-Jul-05        10:02:26        5.8     2000    =
13      1-Jul-05        10:02:35        5.8     2583    .
14      1-Jul-05        10:02:35        5.8     5000    =(2583+5000)/2



Gary Tian, PhD
Senior Lecturer
School of Economics and Finance
Parramatta Campus, EDG89
Locked Bag, 1797 Penrith South DC
NSW 1797 Australia
Tel: 61 2 9685 9093
Fax: 61 2 9685 9105
Email: [email protected]


From: [email protected] on behalf of Badri
Sent: Thu 4/05/2006 7:07 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: to create yearly lag in monthly data?

Dear all,
Thanks a lot for your suggestions. In fact, I had already done what
Nick had suggested and I was skeptical whether it was right. I now
realise the power and potential of stata. It's smart indeed..

Thanks again
Badri Narayanan G.,

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