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st: Goodness of fit using Cox-snell residuals

From   "Emelda Okiro" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Goodness of fit using Cox-snell residuals
Date   Mon, 05 Jun 2006 13:50:24 +0300


Thank you for your helpful insight with this. I have one more question.
Because the cumulative Cox-Snell residuals are only recorded in one
observation per subject, sts generate is only using this
observation/record to estimate the cumulative hazard. This is a problem
in my data set as there is a failure outcome for each observation in the
dataset. It means that only five failures out of the 952 failure (those
that happen in the observation that has the cumulative  cs residual) are
actually used to graph the cumulative hazard.

Is there a way in which i can modify this.


Emelda Okiro
Centre for Geographic Medicine Research - Coast
Kemri/Wellcome Trust Research Programme
P. O. Box 230
Kilifi, Kenya
Tel +254 41 522063/552535/525043
Fax +254 41 522390

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