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Re: st: Weighted random effects -rfregk-
At 08:43 PM 6/2/2006, James J Walters wrote:
I downloaded and am trying to use the "rfregk" command with
aweights. I have version 8.1. I keep getting a syntax error. The
command aqnd error results are shown below. Am I doing something
wrong? Any ideas regarding the fix?
OK, I looked at the ado file, and it appears to me that a couple of
the lines got zapped somehow, as if somebody tried to edit it but
screwed it up. Specifically, there are line breaks in the wrong
places and extraneous comment code. Look for the little bit of code
that starts with if "`weight'"!="" and replace it as follows:
if "`weight'"!="" {
by `ivar': replace ``i'' =
else {
by `ivar': replace ``i'' = cond(`dup',sum(``i''[_n-1])/(_n-1),``i'')
Before I do that, I get the same error you do. After i do that, I
get the following:
. webuse grunfeld,clear
. rfregk invest kstock [aw = mvalue]
Random-effects GLS regression
sd(u_company) = 168.1342 Number of obs = 200
sd(e_company_t) = 101.4408 n = 10
sd(e_company_t + u_company) = 196.3653 T = 20
corr(u_company, X) = 0 (assumed) R-sq within = 0.7927
between = 0.4156
overall = 0.6350
chi2( 1) = 723.16
(theta = 0.8663) Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
invest | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
kstock | .4407224 .0163889 26.89 0.000 .4086009 .472844
_cons | 170.61 54.55903 3.13 0.002 63.67631 277.5438
If you have trouble, I can also email you the revised ado file if you want.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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