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Re: st: RE: Accessing the path and filename of currently open logfile.
From |
"David Elliott" <[email protected]> |
To |
[email protected] |
Subject |
Re: st: RE: Accessing the path and filename of currently open logfile. |
Date |
Tue, 30 May 2006 11:34:52 -0300 |
I have accessed the returned system values from the -log- command to
get the path and filename for the log. I guess my opening comment was
meant to indicate that there appears to be no system value available
*without* issuing the -log- command first, unlike having the current
-use-ed filename available.
Incidently, this wrapper is to be used to capture and export graphs to
the logfile directory preparatory to running a graphical log to HTML
conversion -grlog2html- to allow viewing of logfiles in a browser
complete with any generated graphs.
I could issue a -gr2log, option : twoway connect ...- for each of my
graphs and they would be exported as
""`logpath'""`logstem'""_$grcount.png" ($grcount would be initialized
by calling -gr2log- with no arguments)
The limitation to my initial approach was that graph export would save
the files in the pwd unless told otherwise. I looked at the
user-supplied routine -grss- but it was too fussy for my purposes.
Ensuring that exported graphs are (1) saved in the logfile directory
and (2) systemmatically named based on the logfile name should
automate the export process nicely.
I appreciate the comments from Phil and David Harrison. Incidently,
David, I think _getfilepath should become an addition or modification
to _getfilename such that the return variables would be r(filename)
and r(pathname). And Phil, I'll take the dot in filename advice and
reconsider how I am approaching that part of my problem.
Thanks again,
On 5/30/06, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
A plain
. log
returns the information you need as r-class stuff.
This is documented at [R] log.
With commands of the kind you indicated,
I have done what you outline, split with
-gettoken- and then use -syntax-. It is
worth knowing that -syntax- looks at the
contents of local 0. Thus you need to
assign that before each call to -syntax-.
Note also that each -syntax- call will
zap (overwrite, possibly with empty strings)
the contents of local macros like varlist,
if, in, etc. Hence you may need to save
these before any second -syntax- call.
[email protected]
David Elliott
> I'd like to test to see if (1) a logfile is open and (2)
> capture its name.
> The logfile name does not seem to be part of the creturn c() system
> values although the currently used file name -c(filename) - and pwd
> -c(pwd) are available.
> Is there an equivalent to mata's pathsplit(path,path1,path2) command
> which would be very useful for filename handling? I have found the
> undocumented _getfilename which is useful for popping the filename off
> the end of a path/filename string and one can then do a bit of
> manipulation to get the path, filename and extension for further
> manipulation.
> Currently I have the following which will do the job:
> // Get the filename, path and extension for the log file.
> quietly log
> local log = r(filename)
> if "`log'" != "." {
> _getfilename "`log'"
> local logfile = r(filename)
> local logpath = subinstr(substr("`log'",1,
> length("`log'")-length("`logfile'")),"\","/",.)
> gettoken nameonly extonly: logfile, parse(".")
> local logstem "`logpath'""`nameonly'"
> local extonly = substr(`"`extonly'"',2,.)
> di in gr "`logpath'" in ye "`nameonly'" in gr "." in
> white "`extonly'"
> }
> else {
> di in red "No logfile open"
> }
> // end excerpt
> The other question I have is whether there is a way for -syntax- to
> handle command lines in the form: -cmd1, options: cmd2, options- or is
> it always necessary to nibble the command line apart with gettoken, or
> at least to get the left and right halves into a form for syntax to
> handle. If not obvious already, I am trying to create a "wrapper" for
> another command(s). If one didn't want the wrapper command to have
> options, one could simply use -cmd1 cmd2,options- that could be parsed
> by syntax. It is the need to have the ",options" and the ":"
> separator following cmd1 that causes the difficulties.
> This is my first foray into writing this kind of ado and I'd
> appreciate any insights or cautions from the pros. Thanks.
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David Elliott
* For searches and help try:
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