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st: RE: Goodness of fit using Cox-snell residuals

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Goodness of fit using Cox-snell residuals
Date   Tue, 30 May 2006 11:30:08 +0100

I don't know much about -stcox-. But I guess the main 
reason you got no replies is that there is absolutely 
no information here on what error messages you got
and which command triggered it. 

Also, the FAQ explains that the current version of Stata is 9.2 
and that you should state if you are using another version. 
Your use of the -graph- command suggests to me that 
you are _not_ using 9.2. (If you are using Stata >= 8, then
the -graph- command here will not work, and needs to be
in terms of -graph7-.) 

Finally, this section of the FAQ is relevant: 

4. What to do if you do not get an answer

[email protected] 

Emelda Okiro
> I posted this message last week and i have not got a response so i
> thought it wise to maybe try my luck again
> I am trying to assess the goodness of fit of my cox Model using the
> cox-snell residuals but am getting
> an error message. I have a dataset with repeated measurement within
> individuals. The model has several variables with more than two
> categories. I am using calender time as my analysis time scale as
> exposure varies with time. I think its something to do with the way i
> have set my data.  Can anyone please assist me. i have 
> included my stata
> code.
> I first stset my data using
> stset date_visit, id (rsv) failure(lrti) enter(time
> date_origin)origin(time d(31jan2002)) exit(time date_exit) scale(1)
> quietly xi: stcox i.currentagegrp sex i.siblings_un6 i.main_fuel
> i.hse_toilet i.babies_bor i.family_children
> i.interaction_un6 i.siblingssch_un6 i.siblingsroom_ov6 i.female_sibs
> poor  i.weaning i.job_desc, nohr mgale(mg)
> predict cs, csnell
> stset cs, failure(lrti)
> sts gen H=na
> graph H cs cs, c(ll) s(o.) sort xlab(0 1 to 10) ylab(0 1 to 10)

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