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Re: st: cutting panel data by date according to size

From   "Clive Nicholas" <>
Subject   Re: st: cutting panel data by date according to size
Date   Mon, 29 May 2006 06:06:32 +0100 (BST)

Yasmine Kent wrote:

> I have a panel data set of companies, with my time
> variable "date" over many quarters, and my id variable
> "co". I would like to categorise my data according to
> size (my size variable is "TA"), into quintiles, BY
> QUARTER. I want to get a single new variable, call it
> quintile, that takes on values from 1-5 depending on
> which quintile of size the company falls into in that
> particular quarter. [...]


Assuming your -quarter- variable takes on as many values as there are
quarters in your dataset, then

. bysort quarter (ta): g quintile=group(5)

should do it.

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