Thanks to Kit Baum, a new version of the -moremata- package
is available from SSC. To install the update, type
. adoupdate moremata, update
New functions:
o mm_ranks(): ranks/cumulative frequencies
o mm_gini(): Gini coefficient
o mm_colvar(): variance, by column
o mm_meancolvar(): mean and variance, by column
o mm_variance0(): population variance
o mm_meanvariance0(): mean and population variance
o mm_nunique(): count number of distinct values
o mm_nuniqrows(): count number of unique rows
o mm_npanels(): count number of panels
o mm_fastlinbin(): fast linear binning
o The number of files in the package has been reduced
from around 60 to 26. For example, there is one big
source file now instead of a single file for each
o mm_ipolate() has new (more intuitive) syntax and is
faster. However, extrapolation is no longer supported.
o Various other function have been improved.
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