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st: Re: generating a matrix

From   Kit Baum <>
Subject   st: Re: generating a matrix
Date   Mon, 22 May 2006 08:24:14 -0400

No, you don't. You need to send your GAUSSophile friend a text file with three columns and 326 rows. Generate the stuff you want using Stata variables and use -outfile- to generate a text file of the sort that GAUSS will read. The same is true for interchanging data with any matrix language (e.g. MATLAB).

I'm not sure why a GAUSS user would want _you_ to generate a 326 x 3 matrix with only three distinct values (as that could be done in one line of GAUSS code, just as Nick Cox indicated it could be done in Stata)...

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics

On May 22, 2006, at 2:33 AM, Gauri wrote:

The TRUTH.... I need to send this matrix to someone who is using GAUSS....
that is why I wanted to just generate this matrix and send it across. This
matrix will then be used for simulations.
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