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RE: st: RE: Creating HTML from SMCL log file including graphics - revised log2html.ado

From   "David Harrison" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: Creating HTML from SMCL log file including graphics - revised log2html.ado
Date   Fri, 19 May 2006 09:00:29 +0100

A few comments and suggestions on -grlog2html-.

1. It wouldn't take much to relax the restriction on only doing PNG
files... I think "file .* written in .* format" would do it (unless
there are any commands other than -graph export- that give this
message..., maybe there are, I can't think right now).

2. I believe Stata always includes the file extension in its message if
there is one, so the code to add .png if it is missing will not do
anything helpful.

3. Why do you remove the path, when there is one? If I put the image
into a different folder, then I would want the html to point there.

4. The code will fail for multiple word file names, e.g. if I export "my
graph.png", it will add a link to "my.png". For paths with spaces in,
you will end up with the last word before the space followed by .png. My
best 5 minute go at sorting this would be to code:

local gr_name = substr(`"`line'"', 7, index(`"`line'"',"written in ")-7)

This should only fail if the file name (or path) contains "written in "
(or is ridiculously long).

5. One final suggestion- It would be quite straight forward to add an
extra option to be put verbatim into the <img> tag.


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of David Elliott
Sent: 19 May 2006 02:12
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: Creating HTML from SMCL log file including graphics
- revised log2html.ado

X--- revised grlog2html.ado  code follows ---X

*! grlog2html 1.2.8  cfb/njc/br/dce 08may2006 *! log2html 1.2.8
cfb/njc/br 09feb2005 *! log2html 1.2.7  cfb/njc/br 12oct2004 *! log2html
1.2.6  cfb/njc/br 2oct2003 *! log2html 1.2.5  cfb/njc/br 17Jun2003 *!
log2html 1.2.0  cfb/njc  3Mar2003 *! log2html 1.1.1  cfb/njc  17Dec2001
program grlog2html
   version 8.0
   syntax anything(name=smclfile id="The name of a .smcl logfile is")
   [, ERASE replace TItle(str) INput(str) Result(str) BG(str)  ///
	LINEsize(numlist max=1 int >=40 <=255) ///
   TExt(str) ERRor(str) PERcentsize(integer 100) BOLD CSS(str) ///
	SCHeme(str) GRaphs]
// ###########Note addition of a GRaphs switch###########
   // syntax processing

   if "`css'" != "" & `"`input'`result'`text'`error'`bg'`scheme'"' != ""
       di as err "if CSS is specified, you may not specify any colors"
       exit 198

   if "`scheme'" != "" {
       if `"`input'`result'`text'`error'`bg'"' != "" {
           di as err ///
       "if a scheme is specified, you may not specify any colors"
           exit 198

       local names   "bg     input  result text   error"
       local cblack  "000000 ffffff ffff00 00ff00 ff0000"
       local cwhite  "ffffff 000000 000000 000000 ff0000"
       local cblue   "000090 ffffff ffff00 00ff00 ff0000"
       local cugly   "ff00ff 9999ff ff99ff 00ff00 cccc00"
       local cyellow "ffffcc cc00cc 0000cc 000000 ff0000"

       local cnt 1
       foreach name of local names {
           local `name' : word `cnt++' of `c`scheme''
       if "`bg'"=="" {
           display as error "scheme `scheme' does not exist!
Available schemes are "
           display as error "  black, white, blue, and yellow."
           exit 198


   else {
       if "`input'" == ""  local input "CC6600"
       if "`result'" == "" local result "000099"
       if "`text'" == ""   local text "000000"
       if "`error'" == ""  local error "dd0000"
       if "`bg'" == ""     local bg "ffffff"
       else {
           if "`bg'" == "gray" | "`bg'" == "grey" {
               local bg "cccccc"

   if `percentsize' <= 0 {
       display as error "percentsize() must be an integer larger than
       exit 198

   // filenames and handles

   tempname hi ho
   tempfile htmlfile
   local origfile `smclfile'
   if (!index(lower("`origfile'"),".smcl")) {
       local origfile  "`origfile'.smcl"
   local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile ".smcl" ""
   local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile ".SMCL" ""
   local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile `"""' "", all /* '"' (for
fooling emacs) */
   local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile "`" "", all
   local smclfile : subinstr local smclfile "'" "", all
   local outfile `"`smclfile'.html"'
   if "`linesize'" != "" local ll "ll(`linesize')"
   qui log html `"`origfile'"' `"`htmlfile'"', `replace' yebf whbf `ll'

   // line-by-line processing

   file open `hi' using `"`htmlfile'"', r
   file open `ho' using `"`outfile'"', w `replace'
   file write `ho'  _n
   file write `ho' "<html>" _n "<head>" _n
   if `"`title'"' ~= "" {
       file write `ho' `"<title>`title'</title>"' _n
   file write `ho' `"<meta http-equiv="Content-type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">"' _newline
   file write `ho' `"<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type"
content="text/css">"' _newline
   if "`css'" == "" {
       file write `ho' `"<style type="text/css">"' _newline
       file write `ho' "BODY{background-color: `bg';" _newline
       file write `ho' `"    font-family: monaco, "courier new",
monospace;"' _newline
       if `percentsize' != 100 {
           file write `ho' "font-size:`percentsize'%;" _newline
       file write `ho' "     color: #`text'}" _newline
       if "`bold'" != "" {
           file write `ho' ".input, .result, .error{font-weight:
bold}" _newline
       file write `ho' ".input {color: #`input'}" _newline
       file write `ho' ".result{color: #`result'}" _newline
       file write `ho' ".error{color: #`error'}" _newline
       file write `ho' "</style>" _newline
   else {
       file write `ho' `"<link rel="stylesheet" href="`css'">"' _newline
   file write `ho' "</head>" _newline
   file write `ho' "<body>" _newline
   if `"`title'"' != "" {
       file write `ho' `"<h2>`title'</h2>"' _n

   file read `hi' line

   local cprev = 0

   while r(eof) == 0 {

       // change <p> (which should be a div) to a <br><br>
       local line : ///
   subinstr local line "<p>" "<br><br>", all

       local line: ///
   subinstr local line "<b>. " "<span class=input>. ", count(local c)

       // catch continuation lines
       local word1 : word 1 of `"`line'"'
       if substr(`"`word1'"',1,7) == "<b>&gt;" & `cprev' {
           local line : ///
   subinstr local line "<b>" "<span class=input>", count(local c)
       else {
           local line: ///
   subinstr local line "<b>" "<span class=result>", all

       local line: subinstr local line "</b>" "</span>", all

       // check for error number
       if substr(`"`word1'"',1,2) == "r(" {
           if real(substr(`"`word1'"',3,index(`"`word1'"',")")-3)) < . {
                local line `"<div class=error> `line' </div>"'

// ###########Graphic inclusion routine starts here###########
   if "`graphs'" != "" {
       if regexm(`"`line'"',"file.*written in PNG format") { //check if
png was written
           local gr_name : word 2 of `line'
           if regexm(`"`gr_name'"',"(.*\\.*)") {  //backslash
               local gr_name = ///
               word(subinstr(`"`gr_name'"',"\"," ",.),-1)
           if regexm(`"`gr_name'"',"(.*/.*)") {  //forward slash
               local gr_name = ///
               word(subinstr(`"`gr_name'"',"/"," ",.),-1)
           if regexm(`"`gr_name'"',".*png")==0 { //add .png if missing
               local gr_name = `"`gr_name'.png"'
           local line "<img src="`gr_name'" alt="`gr_name'" />"
// ###########and finishes here###########

       file write `ho' `"`macval(line)'"' _n
       local cprev = `c'
       file read `hi' line

   file write `ho' "</body>" _n "</html>" _n
    file close `ho'

   di _n `"HTML log file `outfile' created"'
   if "`erase'" ~= "" {
       erase `"`origfile'"'

X--- code ends ---X

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