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Re: st: value labels

From   Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: value labels
Date   Thu, 18 May 2006 22:57:28 +0200

On Thursday 18 May 2006 22:36, Raoul C Reulen wrote:
> I am trying to define value labels for a variable called 'sex'.
> . label define lab_sex 1 male 2 female
> . label values sex lab_sex
> However, now I want to list a different variable according to the value
> label like this:
> .list var2 if sex=="male"
> but that gives me an error message, but:
> .list var2 if sex==1
> works. What have I done wrong?

-label values- doesn't change the contents of a variable. Males still have 
value 1, but for some commands---tabulate, for example---you will see "male" 
displayed instead of 1. 

Don't  know exactelly what you want to achieve in the end. But you might 
either create a new string variable based on the "sex" using -decode-, or  
you might try 

. list var2 if sex=="male":lab_sex

(The last line is explained in Stata tip 14 by Ken Higbee  in SJ 4 (4) 

[email protected]
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