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Re: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...
Thanks for all your help!
From: "David Elliott" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 21:45:03 -0300
Some further thoughts. First, I want to make it clear that this is a
real kludge, but it works!
Imagine this:
log using example.html, replace
log: W:\data\example.html
log type: text
opened on: 15 May 2006, 20:46:43
note <pre>
. [graph command]
. graph export test.png
file test.png saved
. note <img src=test.png>
. note </pre>
. log close
log: W:\data\example.html
log type: text
closed on: 15 May 2006, 20:49:11
. winexec "C:\Program Files\Mozilla\Firefox\firefox.exe"
What the above does is it writes some truly bastard html that most
browsers will be able to render. Using note, one can insert html
tags. The pre tag tells the browser to treat what follows as
preformatted text. This should cause the browser to include all
spaces, line breaks and such and render in a monospaced font. The
graph export result in a portable network graphics file that can be
shown in a browser with the img tag, again inserted using note.
Finally the pre tag is closed and the log is closed.
If you are using windows, the winexec command followed by the path to
your browser and the html log file URL will bring up the log in your
I don't know if the tags in this example will come through, many
mailers strip HTML. I am attaching a zipped version of this message
just in case.
On 5/15/06, David Elliott <[email protected]> wrote:
There is another possibility here if you want graphs to be readily
accessible from your log file.
Imagine this scenario, saving your log as SMCL:
log using example, replace
log: W:\data\example.smcl
log type: smcl
opened on: 15 May 2006, 20:46:43
. [graph command], saving(test)
file test.gph saved
. di "{stata graph use test:Display test graph}"
Display test graph
. log close
log: W:\data\example.smcl
log type: smcl
closed on: 15 May 2006, 20:49:11
. view W:\data\example.smcl
The viewer will show the log file with a hot link to the graph itself.
When you click on the "Display test graph" text, the graph will be
loaded. This process could be easily automated. It all depends on
how exactly you want to use the output.
I look forward to the day when a SMCL to HTML option does all this for
On 5/15/06, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sorry, but you have lost me.
> Unless what you want is this:
> one big file that in some way keeps all
> the graph files in a session, just as a .log
> file can store all the results displayed in a session.
> There is no such thing. (You can use your operating
> system or a text editor or a scripting language
> to produce such a file by concatenation, but it
> won't help, as you will just have to unpack it
> all again before Stata can make sense of it.)
> A log file can include anything.
> The same does not apply to a graph file.
> A graph file at root contains Stata code to draw one graph.
> That graph can be a composite, but that's it.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> MA V
> > Thanks. But since I really want the graphs individually,
> > combine does not
> > seem to be an option here.
> > Ideally, I would like stata to save all the graphs in the do
> > file to one
> > single file. Note that I have a huge do file not only with
> > graphs but with
> > other statistics as well.
> > Do I have to "copy paste" every plot?
> >
> > >From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
> > >MA V
> > >
> > > > If I run a do file I can save all my output in a log file.
> > > > But this will not
> > > > include the graphics... So, is there an easy way of getting
> > > > all the plots
> > > > into a single file? I would like to avoid having to copy and
> > > > paste the plots
> > > > one by one...I have many plots in my do file so this last
> > > > option can be very time-consuming.
> > >
> > >You can do this if you want. You just need to
> > >issue names for the plots you produce, gather them
> > >all together and then use -graph combine-.
> > >
> > >The principle is illustrated by this:
> > >
> > >--------------------- may15.do
> > >sysuse auto, clear
> > >histogram mpg, saving(do1)
> > >scatter mpg weight, saving(do2)
> > >graph combine "do1" "do2"
> > >---------------------
> > >
> > >In practice, almost always, users either want
> > >graphs individually or have far too many graphs
> > >to put on one plot. But there is no intrinsic
> > >difficulty to what you want, nor a short-cut
> > >way to doing it.
> > >
> > >Nick
> > >[email protected]
> *
> * For searches and help try:
> * http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
> * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
> * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
David Elliott
David Elliott
<< log2html.zip >>
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* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/