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RE: Re: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...
I missed some of the earlier posts on this thread being off Statalist
for a few days, but as far as I can see no-one has mentioned the program
-log2html- available from SSC (-ssc describe log2html-). This makes use
of an undocumented command -log html- to convert smcl log files to html.
As smcl files cannot contain graphics, this does not quite answer your
question, but it is a pretty straightforward process to get around this.
First, I write two new little commands: -htmlgph1- and -htmlgph2-.
-htmlgph1- exports a graph and writes the line of html to include it...
prog htmlgph1
syntax anything(name=filename id="filename") [, htmlopts(string) *]
qui graph export `filename', `options'
local filename `filename'
display as text `"<img src="`filename'" `htmlopts'>"
Now when log2html is run, it cleverly converts the "<" and ">" to "<"
and ">", so we need to change them back...
prog htmlgph2
syntax anything(name=filename id="filename")
tempfile f1 f2
tempname h1 h2
copy `filename' `f1'
file open `h1' using `f1', read
file open `h2' using `f2', write
file read `h1' newline
while r(eof)==0 {
if substr(`"`newline'"',1,12)=="<img src=" {
local newline : subinstr local newline "<" "<", all
local newline : subinstr local newline ">" ">", all
file write `h2' `"`newline'"' _n
file read `h1' newline
file close `h1'
file close `h2'
copy `f2' `filename', replace
So now the process is:
1. Log your output in a smcl log
2. Whenever you want a graph included in the log, export it with
-htmlgph1- instead of -graph export-
3. When you have finished, run -log2html- to convert the smcl file to
4. Run -htmlgph2- once to make the final corrections to the html file
You now have an html log file including graphics!
cd c:\temp\log2html
sysuse auto
log using test
sum price mpg
scatter price mpg
htmlgph1 graph1.wmf, htmlopts(width=100%)
log close
log2html test
htmlgph2 test.html
Hope this helps
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