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Re: st: increasing review window buffer size & ado wrapper for simultaneous log and cmdlog

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: increasing review window buffer size & ado wrapper for simultaneous log and cmdlog
Date   Sat, 13 May 2006 13:15:28 +0930

... as for part 2:

but then you might forget to type sessrec.......

why not insert a -log using...-  and a -cmdlog using....-  line in your
profile.ado?  Then you'll never forget.  For a bit more sophistication, Ian
Watson has done the heavy lifting with his -autolog.ado- command, fetchable
from ssc (-findit autolog-).  It supports the -log- command, but it looks easy
enough to tweak and so add or substitute the -cmdlog- feature.


Quoting "b. water" <[email protected]>:

> dear listers,
> stata 8.2,
> i made mistake, forgotten to -cmdlog-. tried to save content review windows
> but some had gone for good. saving grace was i logged the session so all was
> not lost. as a consequence, i have one question and one request for help.
> 1. is there a way to increase review window buffer size? i checked Stata
> help, [U] 18 and [R] review but no suggestion over there. i assume either it
> cannot be done or otherwise undocumented. i know this is (increasing buffer
> size) no defense for forgetfulness but something's better than nothing.
> 2. all along i have issued log and cmdlog, not thinking that these could
> perhaps be wrapped in an ado say sessrec.ADO short for 'session record'. and
> all i have to do is to type:
> .sessrec use filename (including location path)
> and it would automatically starts both log and cmdlog.

> would appreciate advice and help.
> regards,
> bw
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Discipline of Public Health

Director, Data Management and Analysis Centre
Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
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