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Re: st: RE: Pgm 2 remove grammatical errors in log
On May 10, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Rodrigo A. Alfaro wrote:
I understand the program that Robert wants. But Martin's solution
can be implemented in a do-file framework as the following example.
program clean
log using output, smcl replace
sysuse auto
valid reg price mpg
valid reg price mp3
log close
program valid
capture `0'
if !_rc `0'
The program clean has all your commands and put the results in a
log file. I added Martin's program at the bottom of the file, in
other words the do-file contains both programs (clean and valid).
Then you have to type (the usual) -do clean- to load both programs
and -clean- to run your routine.
I initially assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that the objective here was
to take a log file resulting from an interactive session and purge it
of commands that threw errors (and their corresponding output). Note
that as long as the command that threw the error did not modify the
data, this would be ok. But this may not always be the case,
especially with poorly written commands. In that case, a log purged
of these calls would be essentially useless (at least for
replication, anyway). But Nick's correct -- if this is what you want
to do, a scripting language with good text processing facilities
would be the way to go.
That is not what's being demonstrated above, however. And I must
say, I no longer understand the objective. If you're trying to debug
something, you want to know where the errors (if any) occur. And
with the proposed setup, you would essentially have to diff the file
with the errors purged against the original program to see which line
(s) caused errors (and were therefore struck). What exactly is the
point here?
-- Phil
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