As Kit points out, B. Water's failure to reproduce
what I typed accounts for their failure to
reproduce what I posted.
In addition to this diversion, note that if the problem
is picking up a sum for future use, then -tabstat- is
a long way round.
tempname foosum
su foo, meanonly
scalar `foosum' = r(sum)
is more direct, with no hidden interpreted code,
as in -tabstat-.
[email protected]
Kit Baum
> B.Water said
> matrices:
> r(StatTot) : 1 x 2
> . mat total = r(StatTotal)
> Well, if the matrix in Stata 8.2 is named r(StatTot), then referring
> to r(StatTotal) doesn't make much sense...
> In Stata 9, tabstat returns r(StatTotal), which is probably why Nick
> referred to that name.
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