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Re: st: generate newvar with the -foreach- command

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: generate newvar with the -foreach- command
Date   Sun, 07 May 2006 12:51:18 +0200

> I just started to use Stata and I would like how to generate new variables
> with the -foreach- command.
> However, it's not that easy I thought...
> Here is an example:
> In order to get the precent values in this dataset (time-series 1990-2004)I
> would like to generate  new variables:
> c_bb*= a_bb*/b_bb* if *==*, where * is the varname extension:
> c_bb01=a_bb01/b_bb01
> c_bb03=a_bb03/b_bb03
> c_bb10=a_bb10/b_bb10
> c_bb11=a_bb11/b_bb11
> c_bb20=a_bb20/b_bb20
> .
> .
> .
> a_bb995/b_bb995=c_bb995
> I tried this, but it does not work. I suppose it's because of  the "*==*"
> expression:
> . foreach var of newvarlist c_bb* {
> 2. gen c_bb*=a_bb*/b_bb* if *==*
> 3. format c_bb* %9,4f
> 4.}
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Try something like the following:  identify only that which changes and then
> put it into a local macro to use to identify the variables.  Also, it might
> be more efficient to perform the -format- only once, outside of the loop,
> after all of the variables have been created.
> Joseph Coveney
> foreach var of varlist a_bb* {
>     local suffix = substr("`var'", 4, .)
>     generate float c_bb`suffix' = `var' / b_bb`suffix'
> }
> format c_bb* %9,4f
> *
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Thank you dave and joseph

I tried the solution you suggested and with

foreach var of varlist a_bb* {
    local suffix = substr("`var'", 5, .)
    generate float c_bb`suffix' = `var' / b_bb`suffix'
format c_bb* %9,4f

it works very good!

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