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st: Combined graphs that overlay

From   "Allan Reese (Cefas)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Combined graphs that overlay
Date   Fri, 5 May 2006 12:35:06 +0100

I've tried a couple of times to overlay different types of graph, and not come up with a satisfactory solution.  The low level commands of Stata 7 could be programmed to do this, but "graph combine" allows only for graphs to butt against each other.  One example would be to place pies or barcharts at X-Y positions to make a simple map.

a) Is there an obvious solution I've overlooked?

b) Do other users see a general need?

c) Could it be implemented as an option to combine? Maybe: at(graphno r c xscale yscale) where r and c refer to absolute position in the plotting area (see help gph).  Eg

graph combine gr1 gr2 gr3, at(1 23063 0 .5 1) at(2 23063 16001 .5 1) at(3 11531 20001 .1 .1)


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