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Re: st: RE: Bootstrap error
At 03:16 PM 5/4/2006, you wrote:
The first error is a Statalist
mistake: you appear to be using Stata 8 and not
telling us that.
My apologies. I am using Stata 9, but I am using the Stata 8 bootstrap syntax
More seriously, in your program [not "do file"]
program kuznets, rclass
args lnSEC lnGDPC lnGDPC2
tsset countrycode year
xtabond2 lnSEC l1.lnSEC lnGDPC lnGDPC2, gmm(l1.lnSEC) ///
iv(lnGDPC lnGDPC2)
gen kuz = exp(-_coef[lnGDPC]/(2*_coef[lnGDPC2]))
return scalar x1 = kuz
You do nothing with the results of -args-, so that can go.
I doubt you need to -tsset- every time, but you'd need to
check that.
There is no need to put a constant in a variable. It's poor style.
So, this looks more like
program kuznets, rclass
tsset countrycode year
xtabond2 lnSEC l1.lnSEC lnGDPC lnGDPC2, gmm(l1.lnSEC) ///
iv(lnGDPC lnGDPC2)
return scalar x1 = exp(-_coef[lnGDPC]/(2*_coef[lnGDPC2]))
Now what -bootstrap- should pick up is r(x1):
So your call should be more like
bootstrap "kuznets" r(x1), reps(25) cluster(countrycode)
I tried the suggested change and obtained the following result:
do leekuznets
. tsset countrycode year
panel variable: countrycode, 1 to 66
time variable: year, 1960 to 1990
. program kuznets, rclass
1. args lnSEC lnGDPC lnGDPC2
2. xtabond2 lnSEC l1.lnSEC lnGDPC lnGDPC2, gmm(l1.lnSEC)
iv(lnGDPC lnGDPC2)
3. return scalar x1 = exp(-_coef[lnGDPC]/(2*_coef[lnGDPC2]))
4. end
. bootstrap "kuznets" r(x1), reps(200) cluster(countrycode) idcluster(newid)
command: kuznets
statistic: _bs_1 = r(x1)
Bootstrap statistics Number of obs = 1980
N of clusters = 66
Replications = 200
Variable | Reps Observed Bias Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
_bs_1 | 0 42843.02 . . . . (N)
| . . (P)
| . . (BC)
Note: N = normal
P = percentile
BC = bias-corrected
insufficient observations to compute bootstrap standard errors
no results will be saved
which is no change from my previous result.
And the direct call to bootstrap produces the following, which is the
reason that I wrote the intermediate program.
bootstrap x1=exp(-_coef[lnGDPC]/(2*_coef[lnGDPC2])), reps(200)
cluster(countrycode) idclu
> ster(newid) : xtabond2 lnSEC l1.lnSEC lnGDPC lnGDPC2,
gmm(l1.lnSEC) iv(lnGDPC lnGDPC2)
(running xtabond2 on estimation sample)
Bootstrap replications (200)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5
repeated time values within panel
the most likely cause for this error is misspecifying the cluster(),
idcluster(), or
group() option
The low number of replications is just a test to get the code working.
Carl Nelson
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