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Re: st: To: [email protected]

From   "Ada Ma" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: To: [email protected]
Date   Wed, 3 May 2006 18:16:11 +0100

I'm not familar with the routine. But I'll try to answer your
questions based on what I know.

(1) yes - if the local is being evaluated, e.g. if you're calculating
something with it, or generating a new local with it, or whatever. For better explanation (and more information) please read:

"A little bit of Stata programming goes a long way.." by Christopher F. Baum

Downloadable from here:

(2) I don't think the semicolon is necessary. I have never written a
loop with one. May be you'd need them if you're doing something more
sophisticated than I have attempted, I don't know.

(3) the -forval- command should work, as you said, if you replace
`nparam' with 6. So may be there are something wrong inside the
loop?? Sorry I'm not of more help.

Hope this helps.


On 5/3/06, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:

I am trying to insert this code:
forvalues i=1/`nparam' {
            qui sum est if dumyid == `i'
            local avest = r(mean)
            local between = r(Var)
            qui sum `v' if dumyid == `i'
            local m=r(N)
            local within = r(mean)
            local totalv = `within' + ( 1 + 1/`m' )*`between'
            if `between'==0 {
                global mi_combine3 F
            if `between'&lt;=0 {
                local dof .
                local ii=`i'*$mimps
                local lb=lb in `ii'
                local ub=ub in `ii'
                local riv=0
            else {
                local dof = ( 1 + 1/`m' )*`between'
                local riv = `dof'/`within'
                local dof = (`m'-1)*(1 + 1/`riv')^2
                if `dof'&gt;1e+10 { local dof=1e+10 }
                local invt = invttail(`dof', (1-`level'/100)/2)
                local lb = `avest' - `invt' * sqrt(`totalv')
                local ub = `avest' + `invt' * sqrt(`totalv')
            post  `memhold' (`i') (`avest')/*
                */ (`totalv') (`dof') (`lb') (`ub') (`riv')
        postclose `memhold'

/* Merge back individual results */

           qui use "`results'",clear
           qui sort dumyid
           qui merge dumyid using `abit'

           keep parm est* se* lb* ub* avest totalv mi* obs*  riv
           order parm avest totalv mi*  riv
           qui compress

           qui save `outfile', replace

into my program.   This is the file.

I have three questions. 1) Is the variable `within' need to have the quotes
around it?
2) I am using a semicolon (;) as a designation of the end of command line.
Do I need to have a  ; after each command withing inthe {} in the forvalues
statement. For example should it read: f
      forvalues i=1/`nparam' {;
            qui sum est if dumyid == `i';
            local avest = r(mean);
            local between = r(Var);
            qui sum `v' if dumyid == `i';
            local m=r(N);
            local within = r(mean);
            local totalv = `within' + ( 1 + 1/`m' )*`between';
            if `between'==0 {;
                global mi_combine3 F;
or just one ; after the close bracket(shown below)?
forvalues i=1/`nparam' {
            qui sum est if dumyid == `i'
            local avest = r(mean)
            local between = r(Var)
            qui sum `v' if dumyid == `i'
            local m=r(N)
            local within = r(mean)
            local totalv = `within' + ( 1 + 1/`m' )*`between'
            if `between'==0 {
                global mi_combine3 F
3) in the forvalues statement, if I have i=1/6 I keep getting an invalid
forval error r(196).  I assumed the `nparam' meant the number of

If anyone is familiar with this rountine and can help me, I would
appreciate it. I am new to STATA. Thanks. Lieu

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Ada Ma
Research Fellow
Health Economics Research Unit
University of Aberdeen, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 1224 553863
Fax: +44 (0) 1224 550926

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