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st: zipsave and zipuse

From   "Rajesh Tharyan" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: zipsave and zipuse
Date   Tue, 2 May 2006 09:32:27 +0100


Could someone give me any advice on how to run this command on stata 8.2
running on win xp. I have downloaded the zip and unzip files from the
website mentioned in the help files. When I issue the command it saves the
current file as a zip file but the file in empty.

Command issued:  zipsave c:\a.dta

Stata returns:  data compressed with zip and saved in file c:\a.dta

To check I issued the command shell which zip , that returned nothing. Which
probably means I haven't configured it correctly. When I use zipuse I get
the following message

Command issued :  zipuse c:\a.dta

Stata returns:  file C:\DOCUME~1\Rajesh\LOCALS~1\Temp\ST_00000002.tmp not
Stata format

Also, The latest version (version 10)  of winzip now includes a command line
addon. I was wondering if the zipsave and zipuse commands could be used with


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