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st: Re: Calling SAS and R code from Stata

From   Babak Oskooei <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Calling SAS and R code from Stata
Date   Tue, 2 May 2006 07:47:32 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Statalist,

I have a question regarding STATA software.
I would appreciate any comments on the following

I perform research on several measures of explained
variation in survival analysis which were programmed
in different software such as SAS, R and C. I am
planning to conduct simulation studies on all these
measures in STATA software. Considering the deadline I
have, it is practically impossible for me to program
all measures again in STATA. I was wondering whether
these programs could be run from within STATA. I know
that STATA allows you to call in C codes using Plugin
facility that exist in STATA, but I do not know
whether this is possible with SAS or R code. Is it
possible to use SAS or R as slave programs? 

I would be grateful for any comments on this or any
references that I can refer to.

Best regards

Babak Oskooei
PhD Student
UCL Statistical Sciences Dep.

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--- Begin Message ---
From   Babak Oskooei <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Calling SAS and R code from Stata
Date   Tue, 2 May 2006 06:46:11 -0700 (PDT)
Dear AllStat,

I have a question regarding STATA, SAS and R software.
I would appreciate any comments on the following

I perform research on several measures of explained
variation in survival analysis which were programmed
in different software such as SAS, R and C. I am
planning to conduct simulation studies on all these
measures in STATA software. Considering the deadline I
have, it is practically impossible for me to program
all measures again in STATA. I was wondering whether
these programs could be run from within STATA. I know
that STATA allows you to call in C codes using Plugin
facility that exist in STATA, but I do not know
whether this is possible with SAS or R code. Is it
possible to use SAS or R as slave programs? 

I would be grateful for any comments on this or any
references that I can refer to.

Best regards

Babak Oskooei
PhD Student
UCL Statistical Sciences Dep.

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--- End Message ---

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