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Statalist archive (ordered by thread)
(last updated Wed May 31 22:10:07 2006)
- st: Where is -onewayplot-?,
Friedrich Huebler (Wed May 31 22:10:07 2006)
- st: Effects coding with interactions: references,
Jesper Kj�r Hansen (Wed May 31 20:10:12 2006)
- RE: st: RE: -endog- test under xtivreg2,
Schaffer, Mark E (Wed May 31 15:12:49 2006)
- st: how to use stcox in time-varying covariate model?,
feng lu (Wed May 31 14:40:46 2006)
- st: Full-time workers only regression,
peter harper (Wed May 31 14:01:05 2006)
- st: Datasignature and other boilerplate for do files,
Dalenberg, Douglas (Wed May 31 11:20:32 2006)
- RE: st: too large standard errors of marginal effects after multinomial logit model,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 31 10:40:42 2006)
- st: Programming style for multiple AND and OR constructs,
David Winter (Wed May 31 05:00:09 2006)
- st: RE: simple question on 2SLS??,
Schaffer, Mark E (Tue May 30 17:00:47 2006)
- st: test for association btw genotype and continuous phenotype,
Rachel Dvo (Tue May 30 17:00:44 2006)
- st: simple question on 2SLS??,
Kristopher Dawsey (Tue May 30 16:30:54 2006)
- st: too large standard errors of marginal effects after multinomial logitmodel,
dpeng (Tue May 30 15:30:30 2006)
- st: levinlin command,
ATimur (Tue May 30 11:01:00 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Accessing the path and filename of currently open logfile.,
David Harrison (Tue May 30 08:41:16 2006)
- st: RE: Accessing the path and filename of currently open logfile.,
Nick Cox (Tue May 30 08:10:31 2006)
- st: Accessing the path and filename of currently open logfile.,
David Elliott (Tue May 30 08:00:40 2006)
- st: RE: Adding variables with common prefix,
David Harrison (Tue May 30 07:30:53 2006)
- Re: st: Adding variables with common prefix,
n j cox (Tue May 30 07:30:53 2006)
- st: RE: Goodness of fit using Cox-snell residuals,
Nick Cox (Tue May 30 05:40:03 2006)
- st: Goodness of fit using Cox-snell residuals,
Emelda Okiro (Tue May 30 03:40:07 2006)
- st: RE: Clogg, Petkova, and Haritou (1995),
Maarten Buis (Tue May 30 03:20:06 2006)
- st: FW: stata and textpad,
Giovanni Vecchi (Tue May 30 02:50:03 2006)
- st: Negative Hausman Test and FE vs. Pooled,
Sizhong Sun (Tue May 30 02:00:21 2006)
- st: problems replicating DSTDIZE,
Daniel Exeter (Mon May 29 19:40:10 2006)
- st: xtline only for datasets with more than x values,
Frank Spakowski (Mon May 29 16:00:02 2006)
- st: Clogg, Petkova, and Haritou (1995),
Rob Baller (Mon May 29 14:30:22 2006)
- st: RE: "Crude" Random Effects Estimates,
Dean DeRosa (Mon May 29 11:30:21 2006)
- st: mata: why this loop is so slow,
U.A.QU.AP (Mon May 29 11:30:19 2006)
- [no subject],
=3D?ISO-8859-1?Q?=3DC1ngel_L=3DF3pez_Nicol=3DE1s?=3D (Mon May 29 09:10:07 2006)
- st: Re: xtlogit vs gllamm,
B�gin Karine (Mon May 29 08:20:01 2006)
- st: excess zeroes in panel models for count data,
�ngel L�pez Nicol�s (Mon May 29 06:00:01 2006)
- st: RE: simulation,
Maarten Buis (Mon May 29 05:20:06 2006)
- st: tab2 or crosstable with adjusted standardized residuals,
Dirk Enzmann (Mon May 29 02:34:25 2006)
- st: simulation,
azam alavi (Mon May 29 02:10:51 2006)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- st: simulation,
azam alavi (Mon May 29 02:10:51 2006)
- st: plugin,
tsesmeli (Sun May 28 20:50:00 2006)
- st: Recursive regression with ARCH model and saving results,
Aaron (Sun May 28 13:50:03 2006)
- st: stci and weights,
satvika (Sat May 27 23:00:02 2006)
- st: Current date and time listed in output,
Robert A Yaffee (Sat May 27 20:50:09 2006)
- RE: st: Re: Time invariant variables and panel data,
Rho YH (Sat May 27 12:50:03 2006)
- st: RE: generate variable,
Nick Cox (Sat May 27 12:00:36 2006)
- st: generate variable,
peter harper (Sat May 27 11:40:10 2006)
- st: RE: programming problem,
Nick Cox (Sat May 27 10:30:09 2006)
- st: programming problem,
tsesmeli (Sat May 27 10:20:02 2006)
- st: Time invariant variables and panel data,
Rho YH (Sat May 27 10:00:03 2006)
- st: RE: Mata,
Nick Cox (Sat May 27 10:00:02 2006)
- [no subject],
tsesmeli (Sat May 27 09:30:02 2006)
- st: whotdeck question,
Sarah Day (Sat May 27 07:30:00 2006)
- st: Calculating Percent Change In Regression Coeffecients,
Raphael Fraser (Fri May 26 18:30:13 2006)
- st: Mata,
Raphael Fraser (Fri May 26 17:30:15 2006)
- st: Adjusted values.,
Singhal, Puneet K. (Fri May 26 15:40:03 2006)
- st: Robust standard errors with xttobit,
Niru (Fri May 26 12:10:03 2006)
- st: Video card and Stata speed,
Friedrich Huebler (Fri May 26 09:50:33 2006)
- st: Pseudo R-square with svylogit,
Martha Waller (Fri May 26 09:30:02 2006)
- st: OR results of mhodds vs. logistic,
Suzy (Fri May 26 08:20:03 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Parameter restrictions in MLE,
Nick Cox (Fri May 26 04:40:17 2006)
- st: RE: Parameter restrictions in MLE,
Maarten Buis (Fri May 26 03:00:14 2006)
- st: Statistical ranking problem.,
Adama Konseiga (Fri May 26 00:40:10 2006)
- st: Parameter restrictions in MLE,
Deepankar Basu (Thu May 25 21:00:13 2006)
- st: RE: nonparametric combination of univariate tests,
Nick Cox (Thu May 25 16:10:52 2006)
- st: Mean-preserving spread distribution in Stata.,
Nick Cox (Thu May 25 15:10:09 2006)
- st: SSC archive,
Kit Baum (Thu May 25 14:50:25 2006)
- st: problem with sleep / winexec / shell,
Alex Ogan (Thu May 25 14:24:32 2006)
- st: nonparametric combination of univariate tests,
Dimitriy V. Masterov (Thu May 25 13:35:40 2006)
- st: creating an (external) global variable containing a structure,
Phil Schumm (Thu May 25 13:00:53 2006)
- st: Assessing goodness of fit after stcox,
Emelda Okiro (Thu May 25 11:10:55 2006)
- st: "Crude" Random Effects Estimates,
Dean DeRosa (Thu May 25 09:52:14 2006)
- st: -datasignature-,
William Gould, Stata (Thu May 25 08:40:40 2006)
- st: RE: Grouped data and changing a variable,
David Harrison (Thu May 25 07:10:05 2006)
- st: Grouped data and changing a variable,
Catrina Jordan (Thu May 25 06:50:35 2006)
- st: German Stata Users Group meeting 2006,
Kit Baum (Thu May 25 06:30:09 2006)
- st: Metan for Stata 9?,
Jannik Helweg-larsen (Thu May 25 06:00:03 2006)
- st: Symmetrically Censored Least Squares,
Bart Vanneste (Thu May 25 04:00:12 2006)
- st: Mata, xtabond2, memory, matsize, and outreg2,
roy wada (Wed May 24 20:40:05 2006)
- st: Update to -moremata- on SSC,
Ben Jann (Wed May 24 20:20:12 2006)
- st: New package on SSC: -anogi-,
Ben Jann (Wed May 24 20:20:11 2006)
- st: Update to -gsample- on SSC,
Ben Jann (Wed May 24 20:20:11 2006)
- st: GMM,
Janine Darfield (Wed May 24 17:30:22 2006)
- Re: st: GMM,
Janine Darfield (Sun May 28 16:40:04 2006)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: st: GMM,
J.Fischer (Sun May 28 17:20:09 2006)
- RE: st: GMM,
Schaffer, Mark E (Sun May 28 18:10:05 2006)
- st: how to search my variables and labels,
Anna Gueorguieva (Wed May 24 17:10:31 2006)
- st: RE: -endog- test under ivreg2,
J.Fischer (Wed May 24 16:31:31 2006)
- st: Similarity measure for categorical data,
Clarence C. Gravlee (Wed May 24 15:40:15 2006)
- st: Constraints in mprobit,
Emily Clough (Wed May 24 15:12:09 2006)
- st: RE: xtivreg2, error 198,
Schaffer, Mark E (Wed May 24 12:52:50 2006)
- st: RE: excluding variables from varlist,
Alex Ogan (Wed May 24 12:11:36 2006)
- st: excluding variables from varlist,
Thomas (Wed May 24 12:11:35 2006)
- st: xtivreg2, error 198,
Simon L�chinger (Wed May 24 09:51:24 2006)
- st: About xtabond,
Tak-wai Chau (Wed May 24 09:41:29 2006)
- st: poisson will not converge,
Scott Cunningham (Wed May 24 09:32:20 2006)
- st: Re: -ineqdeco- and saving subgroup results,
Stephen P. Jenkins (Wed May 24 02:30:13 2006)
- [no subject],
Unknown (Tue May 23 20:30:51 2006)
- st: Hausman test after xtivreg2,
Christina M Gibson-Davis (Tue May 23 18:20:03 2006)
- st: RE: Memory error with outreg2,
Porter, Burt (Tue May 23 16:50:04 2006)
- st: maximize_option -from- in treatreg,
Partha Deb (Tue May 23 16:40:11 2006)
- st: ipshin,
Kit Baum (Tue May 23 14:15:33 2006)
- st: RE: Meta analysis of subgroups in Stata using the -by- option,
Steichen, Thomas J. (Tue May 23 13:10:11 2006)
- st: question on ineqdeco,
mbussolo (Tue May 23 12:50:53 2006)
- st: Meta analysis of subgroups in Stata using the -by- option,
Vivien L Hendry (Tue May 23 12:20:43 2006)
- st: Definition of "outside" in box plots - new reference,
Jens Lauritsen (Tue May 23 11:40:34 2006)
- st: RE: -inlist- / double quote problem?,
David Harrison (Tue May 23 11:20:10 2006)
- st: RE: Definition of "outside" in box plots,
David Harrison (Tue May 23 11:11:18 2006)
- st: Definition of "outside" in box plots,
Jens Lauritsen (Tue May 23 11:05:00 2006)
- st: Re: Bivariate kernel density with stata,
Marcello Pagano (Tue May 23 10:10:07 2006)
- st: Bivariate kernel density with stata,
stata_user stata_user (Tue May 23 09:00:30 2006)
- st: types of standard error,
Timothy.Mak (Tue May 23 08:50:26 2006)
- st: table stubs,
Peter Adamson (Tue May 23 07:10:08 2006)
- st: RE: table stubs,
David Harrison (Tue May 23 06:30:22 2006)
- st: Re: collecting raw data from the web via browser automation,
Kit Baum (Tue May 23 06:10:34 2006)
- st: collecting raw data from the web...,
Kit Baum (Tue May 23 06:10:12 2006)
- st: How strict is -set matastrict-?,
Joseph Coveney (Tue May 23 02:20:41 2006)
- st: replace values of all members of a group with the values of one,
Hillgrove, Tessa (SA) (Tue May 23 00:00:09 2006)
- st: Memory error with outreg2,
Porter, Burt (Mon May 22 22:20:05 2006)
- st: creating polynomial expansion,
Kit Baum (Mon May 22 17:10:13 2006)
- st: efficiency (or lack thereof) of the colon operator,
Kit Baum (Mon May 22 17:00:23 2006)
- st: collecting raw data from the web via browser automation,
Austin Nichols (Mon May 22 16:30:51 2006)
- st: Review window font Stata8x12,
Dirk Enzmann (Mon May 22 16:10:24 2006)
- st: GLLAMM and covariance structure,
Brian W WEIR (Mon May 22 15:32:34 2006)
- Re: st: FW: How to make 'contract' create a row of zero frequencies,
n j cox (Mon May 22 15:20:52 2006)
- st: CLAD error message and coefficient interpretation,
Kevin McCourt (Mon May 22 13:40:13 2006)
- st: error with -egen median if-,
Alex Ogan (Mon May 22 11:11:17 2006)
- st: RE: error with -egen median if-,
Alex Ogan (Mon May 22 11:11:16 2006)
- st: predict after xtabond,
Dirk Nachbar (Mon May 22 10:13:49 2006)
- st: RE: cut string variables,
Alex Ogan (Mon May 22 09:32:11 2006)
- st: cut string variables,
susanne neckermann (Mon May 22 08:50:34 2006)
- st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
Ben Jann (Mon May 22 08:20:03 2006)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
William Gould, Stata (Mon May 22 10:43:14 2006)
- re: Re: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
David Airey (Mon May 22 11:10:36 2006)
- Re: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
Joseph Coveney (Mon May 22 11:11:42 2006)
- Re: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
Joseph Coveney (Mon May 22 11:20:37 2006)
- RE: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
Alex Ogan (Mon May 22 15:32:34 2006)
- RE: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
Ben Jann (Mon May 22 16:20:11 2006)
- RE: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
Joseph Coveney (Tue May 23 00:40:05 2006)
- Re: RE: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
William Gould, Stata (Tue May 23 09:40:30 2006)
- RE: RE: st: Efficiency of the colon operator in Mata,
Ben Jann (Tue May 23 15:30:26 2006)
- st: Re: generating a matrix,
Kit Baum (Mon May 22 07:30:14 2006)
- st: streg,
Dirk Nachbar (Mon May 22 07:10:16 2006)
- st: missing standard error,
louis boakye-yiadom (Mon May 22 07:10:07 2006)
- st: RE: import long variable,
Maarten Buis (Mon May 22 07:01:02 2006)
- st: import long variable,
Juan Ram�n Garc�a L�pez (Mon May 22 06:40:01 2006)
- st: FW: How to make 'contract' create a row of zero frequencies?,
Pauline Rogers (Mon May 22 06:00:10 2006)
- st: Two wishes,
Syed Gillani (Mon May 22 05:50:03 2006)
- st: The difference of -FE, -BE, -RE and -PA in xt- models,
Young Hee Rho (Mon May 22 05:30:06 2006)
- st: Linear Trend Tests of ORs,
Young Hee Rho (Mon May 22 05:20:06 2006)
- st: RE: Logistic regression: perfect prediction of outcome in Stata9.2,
Maarten Buis (Mon May 22 05:00:04 2006)
- st: Logistic regression: perfect prediction of outcome in Stata9.2,
Heather Rothwell (Mon May 22 04:10:19 2006)
- Re: st: generating a matrix, adding values in a column],
n j cox (Sun May 21 14:40:04 2006)
- st: generating a matrix, adding values in a column,
Gauri Khanna (Sun May 21 11:50:17 2006)
- st: New version of -somersd- on SSC,
Newson, Roger B (Sun May 21 09:40:03 2006)
- st: mean workplace years of education: based on percentage of the workforce in each of k occupations,
peter harper (Sun May 21 04:50:01 2006)
- st: mean of workplace education,
peter harper (Sun May 21 03:40:03 2006)
- st: Question on forvalues,
=?UTF-8?B?5a6L5pe25q2M?= (Sun May 21 02:20:33 2006)
- st: generating a vector,
Kit Baum (Sat May 20 18:40:04 2006)
- st: Multiple Correspondence Analysis,
w.paczkowski (Sat May 20 18:20:04 2006)
- st: how zandrews command chooses k lags by t-stat test,
Mark (Sat May 20 04:10:17 2006)
- st: obtaining the value of c(byteorder) in Mata,
Phil Schumm (Fri May 19 15:50:57 2006)
- st: Wrong _st = 0 after stset,
Juan Manuel Jauregui (Fri May 19 15:10:04 2006)
- st: stcox with shared frailty: curse of dimensionality?,
Priscila Ferreira (Fri May 19 14:30:39 2006)
- st: RE: tsset,
Nick Cox (Fri May 19 12:20:20 2006)
- st: Further to Extrapolating records using results from -sts list-,
David Winter (Fri May 19 11:20:28 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: select a random obs from dataset,
Nick Cox (Fri May 19 11:13:51 2006)
- st: Xtabond2 / System GMM Query,
Robert William Scott (Fri May 19 09:31:10 2006)
- Re: st: Creating HTML from SMCL log file including graphics - revised log2html.ado,
John Novak (Fri May 19 09:00:55 2006)
- st: RE: aliases for help files,
Nick Cox (Fri May 19 08:10:16 2006)
- st: subpop and the mysterious sample size,
ROBERT BOZICK (Fri May 19 08:00:56 2006)
- st: Re: predicting with probit,
Kit Baum (Fri May 19 08:00:45 2006)
- st: aliases for help files,
Ben Jann (Fri May 19 07:50:07 2006)
- st: RE: Stopping stata?,
David Harrison (Fri May 19 06:40:07 2006)
- st: Stopping stata?,
Gauri Khanna (Fri May 19 05:50:06 2006)
- st: translog cost function,
Giovanni Vecchi (Fri May 19 03:40:06 2006)
- st: RE: detecting a dropped variable programatically,
Maarten Buis (Fri May 19 03:20:05 2006)
- st: detecting a dropped variable programatically,
Mark (Fri May 19 03:00:15 2006)
- st: xtlogit response _GetQuad,
Sylvia Korupp (Fri May 19 02:50:04 2006)
- st: RE: Creating HTML from SMCL log file including graphics - revised log2html.ado,
Nick Cox (Thu May 18 17:40:44 2006)
- st: Creating HTML from SMCL log file including graphics - revised log2html.ado,
David Elliott (Thu May 18 17:20:23 2006)
- st: RE: value labels,
Nick Cox (Thu May 18 16:02:03 2006)
- st: value labels,
Raoul C Reulen (Thu May 18 15:40:27 2006)
- st: oaxaca decomposition,
Fanwell Kenala Bokosi (Thu May 18 15:40:26 2006)
- st: RE: oaxaca decomposition,
Ben Jann (Thu May 18 15:30:43 2006)
- st: oaxaca decomp,
Kit Baum (Thu May 18 15:30:40 2006)
- st: predicting with probit,
Scott Cunningham (Thu May 18 14:21:22 2006)
- st: FW: how to caculate proportional mortality ratios,
Savas, Lara S (Thu May 18 14:20:12 2006)
- RE: st: right shift elements in a matrix (more),
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311) (Thu May 18 12:43:47 2006)
- st: RE: Direct standardization,
Newson, Roger B (Thu May 18 10:50:31 2006)
- st: right shift elements in a matrix,
Lei Xuan (Thu May 18 10:00:50 2006)
- st: Extrapolating records using result from -sts list-,
David Winter (Thu May 18 09:00:33 2006)
- st: RE: ivprobit command in STATA 8.2,
Schaffer, Mark E (Thu May 18 08:51:09 2006)
- st: ivprobit command in STATA 8.2,
Jennifer Leavy (Thu May 18 08:40:56 2006)
- st: Direct standardization,
Claus Dethlefsen / Aalborg Sygehus (Thu May 18 08:20:34 2006)
- st: RE: tabstatmat - too many literals r(130);,
Nick Cox (Thu May 18 07:10:09 2006)
- st: RE: check results of xtabond2,
Schaffer, Mark E (Thu May 18 05:40:21 2006)
- st: Mata: Recursive structures and pointers,
Ulrich Kohler (Thu May 18 05:30:16 2006)
- st: Stata/MP and SSI,
Henrik Stovring (Thu May 18 05:30:12 2006)
- st: adjusted covariance matrix for Heckman with two selections,
MAGRI SILVIA (Thu May 18 02:50:11 2006)
- [no subject],
Unknown (Wed May 17 22:50:26 2006)
- st: spatcorr,
Patrick McElduff (Wed May 17 22:40:03 2006)
- st: reshape question,
Caleb Southworth (Wed May 17 18:50:23 2006)
- st: tabstatmat - too many literals r(130);,
Ada Ma (Wed May 17 17:00:51 2006)
- st: RE: maxlags in ivreg and xtivreg,
Schaffer, Mark E (Wed May 17 14:50:05 2006)
- st: request for consulting help,
Nick Cox (Wed May 17 11:46:38 2006)
- [no subject],
Unknown (Wed May 17 10:38:21 2006)
- st: RE: drop observations panel data,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 17 10:20:29 2006)
- st: drop observations panel data,
Julia Spies (Wed May 17 10:10:11 2006)
- st: RE: select a random obs from dataset,
Alex Ogan (Wed May 17 09:10:15 2006)
- st: select a random obs from dataset,
Akihito Tokuhara (Wed May 17 09:00:08 2006)
- st: maxlags in ivreg and xtivreg,
David Granlund (Wed May 17 07:30:23 2006)
- st: RE: dropped constraints with testparm: what's the pattern?,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 17 07:10:17 2006)
- st: dropped constraints with testparm: what's the pattern?,
Barankay, Iwan T (Wed May 17 06:40:01 2006)
- st: RE: -timer-,
Nick Cox (Wed May 17 03:50:07 2006)
- Re: st: searching for a Stata command,
Daniel.Hoechle (Wed May 17 01:50:09 2006)
- st: interval regression,
peter harper (Wed May 17 01:20:02 2006)
- st: -timer-,
Joseph Coveney (Wed May 17 00:50:04 2006)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: st: -timer-,
William Gould, Stata (Wed May 17 09:57:32 2006)
- st: Breslow-Day test - meta-analysis,
27026 (Tue May 16 23:30:05 2006)
- st: Search for dates within range,
Hillgrove, Tessa (SA) (Tue May 16 22:00:16 2006)
- st: Minor update to -fairlie- on SSC,
Ben Jann (Tue May 16 17:00:02 2006)
- st: RE: Delimiter in a loop,
Thomas Speidel (Tue May 16 16:02:41 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Delimiter in a loop,
Nick Cox (Tue May 16 15:10:07 2006)
- st: RE: using pwd in an if statement,
Nick Cox (Tue May 16 15:00:33 2006)
- st: using pwd in an if statement,
Christopher W. Ryan (Tue May 16 14:50:38 2006)
- st: Delimiter in a loop,
Thomas Speidel (Tue May 16 14:50:33 2006)
- st: Endogeneity Tests for Count Data,
Jun S Kang (Tue May 16 14:10:03 2006)
- st: RE: computing growth rates by country,
Alex Ogan (Tue May 16 12:50:12 2006)
- st: computing growth rates by country,
Broca, Sumiter (ESDG) (Tue May 16 12:30:55 2006)
- st: RE: weighted least squares with fixed effects,
Steve Stillman (Tue May 16 10:01:45 2006)
- st: Creation of a pay levels variable,
peter harper (Tue May 16 09:50:41 2006)
- Re: st: Help needed to understand behavior of Mata's,
William Gould, Stata (Tue May 16 09:31:08 2006)
- st: xtlsdvc: endogenous vs. predetermined regressors,
Porter, Burt (Tue May 16 09:00:37 2006)
- st: weighted least squares with fixed effects,
Allers (Tue May 16 07:00:08 2006)
- st: Fwd: high frequency data with panel structure,
Kit Baum (Tue May 16 06:50:34 2006)
- st: System of equations using iterative non-linear least squares,
Nuno Soares (Tue May 16 03:10:06 2006)
- Re: st: Help needed to understand behavior of Mata'sincrement/decrement,
Joseph Coveney (Tue May 16 02:10:11 2006)
- st: matrix inverse,
Vivian Sibbaluca (Mon May 15 22:40:10 2006)
- st: Book,
Robert A Yaffee (Mon May 15 21:20:07 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 18:30:15 2006)
- Re: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...,
David Elliott (Mon May 15 19:10:05 2006)
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Re: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...,
b. water (Tue May 16 06:20:45 2006)
- RE: Re: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...,
David Harrison (Tue May 16 07:30:02 2006)
- RE: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...,
Nick Cox (Tue May 16 14:30:53 2006)
- RE: st: RE: RE: Plots: save, log, ...,
Nick Cox (Wed May 17 12:33:59 2006)
- st: RE: Issues with merging data,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 18:30:15 2006)
- st: Issues with merging data,
Anibal Santos (Mon May 15 18:20:11 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Excluding Observations,
J.Fischer (Mon May 15 17:50:08 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Excluding Observations,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 17:50:07 2006)
- st: jacknife 2 replication method,
Leslie R Hinkson ([email protected]) (Mon May 15 17:50:02 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Excluding Observations,
J.Fischer (Mon May 15 17:30:16 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Excluding Observations,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 17:30:16 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Excluding Observations,
J.Fischer (Mon May 15 17:10:16 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: Excluding Observations,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 17:10:16 2006)
- st: RE: Plots: save, log, ...,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 17:10:11 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Excluding Observations,
J.Fischer (Mon May 15 17:00:39 2006)
- st: RE: Excluding Observations,
J.Fischer (Mon May 15 16:50:10 2006)
- st: Plots: save, log, ...,
MA V (Mon May 15 16:50:04 2006)
- st: Excluding Observations,
Raphael Fraser (Mon May 15 16:40:12 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Quick Saving,
Alex Ogan (Mon May 15 16:40:10 2006)
- st: RE: RE: RE: Quick Saving,
Alex Ogan (Mon May 15 16:32:07 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Quick Saving,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 16:31:56 2006)
- st: RE: Quick Saving,
Alex Ogan (Mon May 15 16:21:05 2006)
- st: Quick Saving,
Nuno Soares (Mon May 15 16:10:11 2006)
- st: RE: RE: unique string variables,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 15:30:45 2006)
- st: logistic regression with orthogonal predictors,
frone (Mon May 15 14:40:22 2006)
- st: xtlogit vs gllamm,
B�gin Karine (Mon May 15 14:20:46 2006)
- st: unique string variables,
Mazhar Islam (Mon May 15 14:05:58 2006)
- st: xtabond2 and its Hansen statistic,
Daniel Lee (Mon May 15 13:09:01 2006)
- st: RE: string manipulation,
David Harrison (Mon May 15 11:30:39 2006)
- st: string manipulation,
Rajesh Tharyan (Mon May 15 11:05:30 2006)
- st: Data manipulation with long datasets,
Sara Mottram (Mon May 15 10:38:36 2006)
- st: Dispersion of workplace years of education,
peter harper (Mon May 15 10:38:27 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Drawing a (positive-definite) correlation matrix,
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311) (Mon May 15 10:11:01 2006)
- st: Poisson Distribution,
Gauri Khanna (Mon May 15 09:50:05 2006)
- st: RE: Ignoring a reshape error,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 09:22:12 2006)
- st: RE: Drawing a (positive-definite) correlation matrix,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 09:21:35 2006)
- Re: st: Help needed to understand behavior of Mata's increment/decrement,
William Gould, Stata (Mon May 15 09:10:28 2006)
- st: RE: High Frequency Data with panel structure,
Nick Cox (Mon May 15 09:10:12 2006)
- st: re: missing observations in xtabond/xtabond2,
Kit Baum (Mon May 15 09:05:22 2006)
- st: High Frequency Data with panel structure,
sebastien.kraenzlin (Mon May 15 08:30:08 2006)
- st: Ignoring a reshape error,
James Fagg (Mon May 15 08:20:14 2006)
- st: Drawing a (positive-definite) correlation matrix,
Daniel Hoechle (Mon May 15 06:40:02 2006)
- st: transpose a variable,
Eamonn O'Brien (Mon May 15 04:10:29 2006)
- st: Re: Stata change of commands etc.,
Jens Lauritsen (Mon May 15 02:30:10 2006)
- st: Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 17:40:05 -0600,
Arnold.Levinson (Sun May 14 18:50:04 2006)
- st: Help needed to understand behavior of Mata's increment/decrement operators,
Joseph Coveney (Sun May 14 15:10:03 2006)
- st: Days between dates using -forvalues-,
Hugh Colaco (Sun May 14 14:40:04 2006)
- st: Oddities with weekly data,
Michael S. Hanson (Sun May 14 13:23:57 2006)
- test,
Pete Huckelba (Sun May 14 12:47:35 2006)
- st: Re: xtabond - dropped observations,
Kit Baum (Sun May 14 06:50:02 2006)
- st: Returning a rowvector on-the-fly in Mata, as in -return(el1, el2, ...)-,
Joseph Coveney (Sun May 14 06:00:17 2006)
- st: robust,
Susie Enders (Sat May 13 21:30:03 2006)
- st: xtabond - dropped observations,
Kristine Watson (Sat May 13 19:10:04 2006)
- RE: Re: st: increasing review window buffer size & ado wrapper forsimultaneous log and cmdlog,
b. water (Sat May 13 03:30:10 2006)
- RV: st: Hodrick-Prescott filter,
�scar Becerra (Fri May 12 16:30:49 2006)
- st: generalized hypergeometric function 3F2 ?,
Jenkins S P (Fri May 12 16:00:20 2006)
- st: Time Series System w/ unobserved variables,
Elliot Bendoly (Fri May 12 14:50:14 2006)
- st: increasing review window buffer size & ado wrapper for simultaneouslog and cmdlog,
b. water (Fri May 12 14:00:24 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Why is some observations lost when specifying bw(1) in xtivreg2,
Schaffer, Mark E (Fri May 12 13:20:34 2006)
- st: RE: Why is some observations lost when specifying bw(1) in xtivreg2,
Schaffer, Mark E (Fri May 12 13:00:13 2006)
- st: RE: graph twoway options,
Nick Cox (Fri May 12 11:20:32 2006)
- st: graph twoway options,
JP Azevedo (Fri May 12 10:50:18 2006)
- st: RE: Changing 2 columns of repetitive ASCII data into many columnssorted by variable,
Nick Cox (Fri May 12 09:50:18 2006)
- st: Why is some observations lost when specifying bw(1) in xtivreg2,
David Granlund (Fri May 12 09:40:15 2006)
- [no subject],
Unknown (Fri May 12 09:20:48 2006)
- Re: st: Changing 2 columns of repetitive ASCII data into many columns,
William Gould, Stata (Fri May 12 09:20:48 2006)
- st: AW: Changing 2 columns of repetitive ASCII data into many columns sorted by variable,
Gawrich Stefan (Fri May 12 09:10:47 2006)
- st: Testing sigma u after gllamm poisson random intercept estimation,
Guillermo Villa (Fri May 12 08:30:26 2006)
- st: Changing 2 columns of repetitive ASCII data into many columnssorted by variable,
Simon Wheeler (Fri May 12 07:20:05 2006)
- st: -shorth- available from SSC,
Nick Cox (Fri May 12 06:30:20 2006)
- st: RE: reshape,
Nick Cox (Fri May 12 06:20:04 2006)
- st: -tabexport- revised on SSC,
Nick Cox (Fri May 12 06:20:01 2006)
- st: text editors FAQ,
Nick Cox (Fri May 12 05:50:08 2006)
- st: reshape,
Hans J. Baumgartner (Fri May 12 05:50:08 2006)
- st: RE: fitting GB2 by ml,
Nick Cox (Fri May 12 05:50:08 2006)
- st: fitting GB2 by ml,
Shuaizhang Feng (Thu May 11 18:00:03 2006)
- st: A quick question,
Albert Newton (Thu May 11 17:50:57 2006)
- st: Reminder: Call for Papers, NASUG2006, Boston, 24-25 July: Deadlineapproaching!,
Marcello Pagano (Thu May 11 15:32:15 2006)
- st: Table of summary statistics,
Hugh Colaco (Thu May 11 15:20:12 2006)
- st: RE: Computing a cumulative frequency variable,
Alex Ogan (Thu May 11 12:40:20 2006)
- st: Computing a cumulative frequency variable,
Raphael Fraser (Thu May 11 12:40:19 2006)
- st: clustered regression--in over my head,
Christopher W. Ryan (Thu May 11 12:20:18 2006)
- st: RE: position of graph legend inside plot area,
David Harrison (Thu May 11 11:30:54 2006)
- st: position of graph legend inside plot area,
Jason Thompson (Thu May 11 11:30:39 2006)
- st: RE: Gini decomposition re Yitzhaki and Lerman (1991),
Ben Jann (Thu May 11 03:50:54 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Pgm 2 remove grammatical errors in log,
Nick Cox (Wed May 10 16:40:50 2006)
- st: executing hettest following qreq,
Rodriguez, Dan (FIRMMKTRSK) (Wed May 10 16:30:24 2006)
- st: RE: Pgm 2 remove grammatical errors in log,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 10 16:10:11 2006)
- st: Grammatical error removal,
Robert A Yaffee (Wed May 10 16:10:09 2006)
- st: RE: Quantitative Techniques for Health Equity Analysis: Technical Notes,
Nick Cox (Wed May 10 16:04:39 2006)
- st: Pgm 2 remove grammatical errors in log,
Robert A Yaffee (Wed May 10 16:04:28 2006)
- st: Quantitative Techniques for Health Equity Analysis: Technical Notes,
Ron�n Conroy (Wed May 10 15:40:14 2006)
- RE: st: Getting a random sample from panel data,
Nick Cox (Wed May 10 15:30:51 2006)
- st: how to use macro `using' in a program which calls for mata function,
Oleksandr Shepotylo (Wed May 10 14:10:30 2006)
- st: RE: Getting a random sample from panel data,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 10 13:21:55 2006)
- st: Gini decomposition re Yitzhaki and Lerman (1991),
ESamman (Wed May 10 13:11:27 2006)
- st: syntax command with optional argument,
Alex Ogan (Wed May 10 12:40:39 2006)
- st: xtlogit problem,
Michele Guerin (Wed May 10 12:31:26 2006)
- st: RE: time series,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 10 11:57:56 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Replace missing values for pairs of variables,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 10 11:41:56 2006)
- st: time series,
David Airey (Wed May 10 11:41:53 2006)
- st: RE: Replace missing values for pairs of variables,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 10 10:31:22 2006)
- st: Replace missing values for pairs of variables,
Hugh Colaco (Wed May 10 10:11:12 2006)
- st: RE: formatting for significant figures,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 10 08:20:10 2006)
- st: formatting for significant figures,
b. water (Wed May 10 08:10:21 2006)
- st: Graph Question with Svy command,
mo2259 (Tue May 09 17:30:20 2006)
- st: RE: RE: tabstat: how to save...,
Nick Cox (Tue May 09 15:44:52 2006)
- st: RE: vertical line on Stata Graph,
Nick Cox (Tue May 09 15:44:51 2006)
- st: RE: tabstat: how to save...,
Nick Cox (Tue May 09 15:30:12 2006)
- st: vertical line on Stata Graph,
Mazhar Islam (Tue May 09 15:30:10 2006)
- st: tabstat: how to save...,
Kit Baum (Tue May 09 14:50:11 2006)
- st: bivariate probit,
widyawat (Tue May 09 14:40:06 2006)
- st: Effect of two sequential save commands with different filenames,
Amber Katz (Tue May 09 14:10:01 2006)
- st: RE: Summing variables over all observations by identifier,
Martin, Aurelie (Tue May 09 13:10:03 2006)
- st: Summing variables over all observations by identifier,
Amber Katz (Tue May 09 13:01:36 2006)
- st: RE: xtriveg2 /number ob observations,
Schaffer, Mark E (Tue May 09 12:00:26 2006)
- st: RE: tabstat: how to access saved r(values),
Nick Cox (Tue May 09 11:50:55 2006)
- st: xtriveg2 /number ob observations,
Max Steinhardt (Tue May 09 11:50:07 2006)
- st: tabstat: how to access saved r(values),
b. water (Tue May 09 11:40:36 2006)
- st: RE: tabout function,
Nick Cox (Tue May 09 08:30:30 2006)
- st: tabout function,
Urvi Shah (Tue May 09 06:50:21 2006)
- st: sort order of empty strings in Mata,
Phil Schumm (Tue May 09 05:50:07 2006)
- st: Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 10:08:14 +0100,
Urvi Shah (Tue May 09 04:10:23 2006)
- st: RE: F(1,12317)=. ?,
Nick Cox (Tue May 09 04:00:25 2006)
- st: F(1,12317)=. ?,
Julia Gamas (Mon May 08 21:50:02 2006)
- st: how to add specific letter to string macro,
Oleksandr Shepotylo (Mon May 08 15:40:09 2006)
- st: New package on SSC: -fairlie-,
Ben Jann (Mon May 08 14:41:27 2006)
- st: symmetry and homogeneity restrictions,
Camilla Andersson (Mon May 08 13:40:37 2006)
- st: creating matrix,
[email protected] (Mon May 08 13:30:29 2006)
- st: Updated -gzsave- and -zipsave- packages,
Henrik Stovring (Mon May 08 13:20:20 2006)
- st: Mata Structures,
Magdalena Luniak (Mon May 08 12:30:31 2006)
- st: egenmore _gxtile() updated,
Ulrich Kohler (Mon May 08 12:21:31 2006)
- st: are meta-analysis routines built in to v9?,
Michael McCulloch (Mon May 08 11:50:21 2006)
- st: Job Announcement: Consultant w/ Stata experience,
clinton.thompson (Mon May 08 10:31:32 2006)
- st: how to test constraints with vec models?,
H. Wang (Mon May 08 07:30:15 2006)
- st: RE: local: dir,
Nick Cox (Mon May 08 06:30:24 2006)
- st: Hausman,Binary dependent variable models,Panel,
Javier GUTI�RREZ - URV (Mon May 08 05:40:04 2006)
- st: local: dir,
Taavi Lai (Mon May 08 05:31:21 2006)
- st: RE: Combined graphs that overlay,
David Harrison (Mon May 08 03:40:09 2006)
- st: AW: simple question to tests,
Gawrich Stefan (Mon May 08 03:00:04 2006)
- st: Constraints on Coefficients,
H. Wang (Mon May 08 03:00:03 2006)
- st: simple question to tests,
Stephan Brunow (Mon May 08 02:10:07 2006)
- st: Scatter Diagram with trend line,
Jagath Dissanayake (Mon May 08 01:20:06 2006)
- st: error message after dtobit,
branco ponomariov (Sun May 07 19:00:02 2006)
- st: Marginal effects of bivariate probit,
Randy Jack (Sun May 07 18:50:04 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Week of the month,
Nick Cox (Sun May 07 10:30:15 2006)
- st: Importing dates from Excel,
Hugh Colaco (Sun May 07 07:50:03 2006)
- st: generate newvar with the -foreach- command,
Michael Kalinowski (Sat May 06 19:00:13 2006)
- st: predicted fixed effects at mean of other vars,
Amit Nigam (Sat May 06 11:50:02 2006)
- Re: st: Re: Calculating returns between 2 dates using 2 files,
Hugh Colaco (Fri May 05 17:30:24 2006)
- st: inverse of char(n)?,
Alex Ogan (Fri May 05 16:10:13 2006)
- st: Week of the month,
Katrin Gottschalk (Fri May 05 13:30:11 2006)
- st: clogit interpretation,
Julia Gamas (Fri May 05 10:51:19 2006)
- st: non-response weights,
Andrew Mitchell (Fri May 05 10:50:58 2006)
- st: Generating variables raised to the power of...,
Gauri Khanna (Fri May 05 10:30:44 2006)
- st: RE: sysdir set permanently,
Alex Ogan (Fri May 05 10:10:29 2006)
- st: RE: durbin watson,
Steichen, Thomas J. (Fri May 05 10:01:12 2006)
- st: sysdir set permanently,
Andres (Fri May 05 10:00:19 2006)
- st: Heckman with double selection,
Aurelie Martin (Fri May 05 09:20:14 2006)
- st: durbin watson,
Rudy Fichtenbaum (Fri May 05 09:10:04 2006)
- st: Combined graphs that overlay,
Allan Reese (Cefas) (Fri May 05 07:00:39 2006)
- st: RE: Cluster Option,
Schaffer, Mark E (Fri May 05 06:40:06 2006)
- st: Error using shp2dta,
Taavi Lai (Fri May 05 06:00:01 2006)
- st: Cluster Option,
Max Steinhardt (Fri May 05 03:30:11 2006)
- st: streg, enter and origin,
Henrik L A (Fri May 05 01:30:27 2006)
- st: mfx2 1.0.0 now available,
Richard Williams (Thu May 04 18:40:04 2006)
- st: Re: Stata graphs to LaTeX...,
Kit Baum (Thu May 04 15:30:30 2006)
- st: RE: Bootstrap error,
Nick Cox (Thu May 04 15:21:19 2006)
- st: Re: how to create yearly lag in monthly data,
Kit Baum (Thu May 04 15:20:59 2006)
- st: Reshape problem,
Thomas Speidel (Thu May 04 13:00:56 2006)
- st: RE: saving tabstat results,
Nick Cox (Thu May 04 12:11:19 2006)
- st: Bootstrap error,
Carl Nelson (Thu May 04 12:10:36 2006)
- st: Eudora works fine for filtering messages,
Dick Campbell (Thu May 04 10:40:49 2006)
- st: RE: Storing test results,
David Harrison (Thu May 04 10:20:38 2006)
- st: Storing test results,
Gernot Wagner (Thu May 04 10:11:31 2006)
- st: testing cross-sectional correlation when N>T,
Max Steinhardt (Thu May 04 10:11:12 2006)
- st: RE: mann-whitney test,
Nick Cox (Thu May 04 09:41:14 2006)
- st: Probit with two levels of selection?,
Amber Katz (Thu May 04 09:30:38 2006)
- st: RE: Xtivreg with categorical endogenous covariate,
Schaffer, Mark E (Thu May 04 09:10:39 2006)
- st: Xtivreg with categorical endogenous covariate,
Dimitris Pavlopoulos (Thu May 04 09:10:38 2006)
- Re: st: transfer function model and regression: EQUIVALENT???,
Robert A Yaffee (Thu May 04 08:30:47 2006)
- st:Re.how to create yearly lag in monthly data?,
Badri (Thu May 04 04:10:17 2006)
- Re: st: New -tmap- FAQ,
Ronnie Babigumira (Thu May 04 04:00:16 2006)
- st: mann-whitney test,
ottone (Thu May 04 03:50:05 2006)
- st: saving tabstat results,
Samu.Kurri (Thu May 04 01:00:03 2006)
- st: RE: Stata graphs to Latex with Graph2tex command,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 03 15:50:12 2006)
- st: xtivreg with FE and state-year interactions,
Scott Cunningham (Wed May 03 15:40:17 2006)
- st: [Fwd: Stata graphs to Latex with Graph2tex command],
Suzy (Wed May 03 15:40:16 2006)
- st: Stata graphs to Latex with Graph2tex command,
Suzy (Wed May 03 15:30:17 2006)
- st: RE: Reading Statalist efficiently,
Nick Cox (Wed May 03 15:01:27 2006)
- st: RE: -forvalues- fails to reach upper limit of range,
Nick Cox (Wed May 03 14:40:24 2006)
- st: RE: standardized beta coef,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 03 14:31:10 2006)
- st: -forvalues- fails to reach upper limit of range,
Richard Sherman (Wed May 03 13:01:44 2006)
- st: Extracting and displaying results,
sara hussain (Wed May 03 12:50:36 2006)
- st: RE: RE: reshape, dropping empty variables,
Nick Cox (Wed May 03 12:30:21 2006)
- st: Oprobit, IV, clustering and weights,
J.Fischer (Wed May 03 12:30:20 2006)
- st: RE: clustering necessary for xtreg, fe i(id)?,
Schaffer, Mark E (Wed May 03 12:11:32 2006)
- st: RE: reshape, dropping empty variables,
Alex Ogan (Wed May 03 12:10:33 2006)
- st: reshape, dropping empty variables,
daphna bassok (Wed May 03 11:10:03 2006)
- st: clustering necessary for xtreg, fe i(id)?,
Scott Cunningham (Wed May 03 10:00:57 2006)
- st: NetCourse 461 correction,
Kevin Crow, StataCorp (Wed May 03 09:30:52 2006)
- Re: st: getting rid of the outliners,
Ron�n Conroy (Wed May 03 09:30:51 2006)
- st: To: [email protected],
Lieu.N.Hazelwood (Wed May 03 08:41:02 2006)
- st: Reading Statalist efficiently,
Campbell, Richard T. (Wed May 03 08:30:22 2006)
- st: RE: zipsave and zipuse,
Nick Cox (Wed May 03 08:11:22 2006)
- st: RE: lags in arima,
Nick Cox (Wed May 03 07:20:02 2006)
- st: lags in arima,
Engelmann, Bjoern (Wed May 03 07:10:04 2006)
- st: RE: pairwise dummy variables,
Maarten Buis (Wed May 03 04:10:24 2006)
- st: xtivreg , fe + cluster option,
agata maida (Wed May 03 04:10:24 2006)
- R�p. : st: zipsave and zipuse,
Herve STOLOWY (Wed May 03 03:50:08 2006)
- st: Re: FW: [BUGS] Using R and WinBUGS from Stata,
Darren Greenwood (Wed May 03 03:50:07 2006)
- st: pairwise dummy variables,
Serguei Kaniovski (Wed May 03 03:50:06 2006)
- st: zipsave and zipuse,
Rajesh Tharyan (Wed May 03 03:40:06 2006)
- st: RE: RE: Outlier Analysis with Logit Models,
Nick Cox (Tue May 02 17:20:05 2006)
- st: Upcoming NetCourses,
Kevin Crow, StataCorp (Tue May 02 16:10:16 2006)
- st: RE: Want to run xtreg with AR(1) autocorrelation allowed,
Schaffer, Mark E (Tue May 02 15:00:19 2006)
- st: RE: Outlier Analysis with Logit Models,
Maarten Buis (Tue May 02 14:20:39 2006)
- st: Outlier Analysis with Logit Models,
Elizabeth_Keating (Tue May 02 13:40:11 2006)
- st:how to create yearly lag in monthly data?,
Badri (Tue May 02 13:30:25 2006)
- st: Want to run xtreg with AR(1) autocorrelationallowed,
rungporn (Tue May 02 13:00:52 2006)
- st: RE: HP Filter,
Nick Cox (Tue May 02 12:21:25 2006)
- st: Producing a matched pairs table,
Verheyen, Kristien (Tue May 02 12:10:08 2006)
- st: RE: table of strings,
Nick Cox (Tue May 02 12:00:18 2006)
- st: HP Filter,
Mariano Alvarez (Tue May 02 12:00:17 2006)
- st: table of strings,
Caleb Southworth (Tue May 02 11:50:36 2006)
- st: FW: [BUGS] Using R and WinBUGS from Stata,
Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311) (Tue May 02 10:20:21 2006)
- st: RE: Re: Calling SAS and R code from Stata,
Nick Cox (Tue May 02 10:10:22 2006)
- st: RE: weighting for Lowess smoothing,
Nick Cox (Tue May 02 10:10:20 2006)
- st: Re: Calling SAS and R code from Stata,
Babak Oskooei (Tue May 02 09:51:17 2006)
- st: weighting for Lowess smoothing,
Yoshiro Nagao (Tue May 02 09:50:51 2006)
- RE: st: Re: STATA 8 and byte size,
Gauri Khanna (Tue May 02 09:40:06 2006)
- st: http://feeds.feedburner.com/statalist,
n j cox (Tue May 02 09:00:57 2006)
- st: Detecting Outliers,
Raphael Fraser (Tue May 02 08:10:03 2006)
- st: RE: RE: adding mean plot to anovaplot,
Nick Cox (Tue May 02 05:40:07 2006)
- st: RE: correct SEs with 2SLS and count models,
Schaffer, Mark E (Tue May 02 05:30:19 2006)
- st: multiple imputation and xtmixed,
=?UTF-8?B?5a6L5pe25q2M?= (Mon May 01 23:40:03 2006)
- st: "no observations",
Scott Cunningham (Mon May 01 22:40:05 2006)
- st: RE: adding mean plot to anovaplot,
Nick Cox (Mon May 01 17:40:18 2006)
- st: RE: RE getting rid of the outliners,
Nick Cox (Mon May 01 17:10:22 2006)
- RE: st: RE: Hausman taylor,
Schaffer, Mark E (Mon May 01 16:50:55 2006)
- st: RE: Panel Cointegration,
Salvati, Jean (Mon May 01 12:50:14 2006)
- st: SSC Activity, April 2006,
Kit Baum (Mon May 01 12:20:56 2006)
- Re: st: -mfx- after poisson,
Vince Wiggins, StataCorp (Mon May 01 12:02:15 2006)
- Re: st: Re: Re: RE: Nonlinear IV estimation in STATA,
Austin Nichols (Mon May 01 10:11:06 2006)
- Re: st: Downloading all ssc modules,
Stas Kolenikov (Mon May 01 10:10:57 2006)
- st: Predict in a system of equations setting,
Marco Rocha (Mon May 01 10:01:28 2006)
- st: RE getting rid of the outliners,
Maarten Buis (Mon May 01 03:20:08 2006)
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