You can save ado files to the appropriate folder shown by -sysdir-
(which is probably c:\ado for you), but I would recommend you try to
write a loop that writes out the info you want to a text file
directly. I use this trick all the time, and once you learn it, you
will too, I expect.
tempname out
file open `out' using yourtab.txt, write replace
file write `out' _tab "Group1" _tab "Group2" _tab "Difference"
foreach v of varlist var1 var2 etc {
qui reg `v' group1 group2, nocons
qui test group1=group2
file write `out' _n "`: var la `v''"
file write `out' _tab "`: di %4.3f _b[group1]'"
file write `out' _tab "`: di %4.3f _b[group2]'"
file write `out' _tab "`: di %4.3f _b[group1]-_b[group2]'"
if r(p)<.05 file write "*"
file write `out' _n _tab "(`: di %4.3f _se[group1]')"
file write `out' _tab "(`: di %4.3f _se[group2]')"
qui reg `v' group1
file write `out' _tab "(`: di %4.3f _se[group1]')"
file close `out'
type yourtab.txt
On 4/27/06, Riano, Juanita <JRiano@imf.org> wrote:
> Hendro,
> I am going to take advantage of your ado file, but how do you install
> ado files that don't come from the SSC archive? Thank you in advance
> Juanita
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/