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st: RE: Re: Lorenz curve graph options: can't get legend to work

From   "philippe van kerm" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: Lorenz curve graph options: can't get legend to work
Date   Thu, 27 Apr 2006 10:27:18 +0200

>Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 17:52:02 +0100
>From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
>Subject: st: RE: Re: Lorenz curve graph options: can't get 
>legend to work
>Philippe underestimates his own program!
>One of the small problems here is that -glcurve- 
>internally uses -legend(order())-, but to 
>overwrite that you just need to use the 
>same. At the same time you can label 
>the extra diagonal and fix the line patterns. 

Well spotted Nick!  

I'm not sure now why it was coded this way in -glcurve-, but I read in
-help twoway_legend- that 

"You may also specify quoted text after # to override the descriptive
text associated with a symbol. (...)  It is considered better style,
however, to use the label() suboption to relabel symbols."

So -label()- would have been a more proper way to proceed.  One lesson
is that, when both order() and label() are used at the same time, the
former takes precedence.

Thanks for pointing out the solution. 


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